Monday, December 6, 2010

Peaceful Muslims

In Germany a Muslim cleric described as a "peaceful Imam" beat his wife to a bloody pulp. He broke her nose and clavicle and left her with numerous bruises and contusions. All the while he was reported quoting the Koran. Saying something about a wife submitting and if not she should be put out and beaten. Her offense? She wanted to live a more "western" lifestyle. He's in jail. She's under government protection. Another example of the "peaceful religion".

I had a thought after reading about the "peaceful Imam".

When a Christian murders in the name of his religion. Or beats his wife. Or steals. He is doing so in defiance of his holy book the Bible. When a Muslim murders in the name of his religion, he does so following his book the Koran. The corollary to that is when the Christian suffers in silence he is doing what the Bible tell him to do. The truly peaceful Muslim defies the Koran. He doesn't lie to infidels to advance Islam. He doesn't kill the infidel when he talks against Islam. He doesn't blow up Innocent people as a suicide bomber for his virgins.

The Muslims living in the U.S. peacefully do so for one of two reasons.
1. They see the error of following a 6th century religion that hasn't advanced to this century. In this country. Or.....
2. They are just laying low until they have the numbers necessary to force the U.S. to adopt their laws and religion.

Which is it?

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