Monday, March 14, 2011

Tyranny of the Voters, Update

Yesterday, Sunday, started out bad. I knew we were only having Matins at church and not receiving the Lords Supper. I had problems singing or even listening to the sermon. The fault was mine for the Pastor preached well with some interesting insights into the sermon text. After church we were among the last to leave because I had to get Mary’s wheel chair from the back of the church. We have to wait until most of the people are out so I don’t run them over or trip up little old church ladies. After we shook the Pastor’s hand we had to wait in the entrance area because the exit was blocked by people talking. It was fortunate that I forgot Mary’s walker and had to use her wheelchair. If Mary was using her walker I would have excused us and made for the exit. As it was, before we could get out Pastor came out and looked around. It appeared as if he was looking to see if the coast was clear. Then he stated he was going to serve Communion if anyone wanted. I heard someone say “oh good”. I know I was glad.

We were then transported back in time for a very brief glimpse of the Christians in the Roman catacombs. Six adults stood before the Alter of the Lord and spoke the Confession and Absolution. We said the liturgy of the Sacrament. We received the very Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We did this in opposition to the voters of the church. We did this at the command of our Lord Jesus Christ.

No one guarded the door. There was no threat of soldiers storming in on us and taking us away to prison although there was the very real threat of incurring the wrath of the voters. Which in America at this time may be worse. To suffer pain or even death for the Faith may be easer than trying to not hurt the feelings of voters. To maintain the balance of remaining faithful to God and keeping people happy. Week after week churches error trying to keep it’s people happy. Everyone is so afraid someone will get offended and get mad and leave. So voters and even pastors back off and let the tyranny of the voters grow. It’s tough I know. I have felt this pressure many times. Sometimes, with the help of God, I was able to resist. Other times my weakness won out. But thanks be to God we have forgiveness in His Son, Jesus the Christ.

Perhaps, next time, our little remnant, our little band of rebels will grow. Perhaps our witness of faith will prompt a reexamination of the voter’s decision. Perhaps soon we will return to the Biblical practice of Communion every Lords Day (Sunday). No, not perhaps. With God all things are possible. So we will return to the rightful practice in God’s time. Amen.

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