Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So I wanted to start writing again but didn’t know where to start. Talk about Mary? Talk about the last few weeks and my feelings? Well that may come sometime but for now those feelings are a little too raw to say much except I am still having trouble figuring what to do with myself. For years I have tried to write and this blog was an extension of that desire. So I will once again write. Even if it is only a few words. Just a thought. An idea. Anything…….

Then it hit me. The TV cameras show a podium in the Rose Garden. The President appears. He gives his speech about the children of illegal aliens who were dragged to America and forced to get an education and now face a future of uncertainty. They cannot go to college. Can’t get a job. Can’t have a life. All because of the actions of their illegal alien parents sneaking their families across our boarders. Breaking our laws. Stealing identities so they can get a job. Driving without insurance because they are illegal’s. Shutting down ER’s by seeking medical help without insurance. The list goes on and on and on….

But this is not about illegal aliens.

This is about Barack Hussein Obama and his attempt to go around the Constitution, To Rule by Executive Order.

January 20, 2009. Obama places his hand upon a Bible and says. “ I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the Office of President of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God”

March 2011. At a town hall meeting aired on Spanish speaking Univision Obama was asked about using Executive Order to stop deportation of students. His response was that he could not stop deportations through Executive Order.

September 2011. On the Whitehouse.gov website a video of Obama show him explaining he could only enforce the laws as laid out by Congress and did not have the authority to go around the laws nor to ignore the laws concerning the deportations.

June 15, 2012. Apparently magic pixy dust has been found that now allows Obama to continue to raise the Presidency to one of a Dictatorship. Why? What happened that could change his mind? There were no explanations. No citing of legal authority. No court ruling.

Judging by Obama’s actions and the little facts that I know I can only conclude the following. Given the fairly even poll numbers with Romney and the beating Obama is getting on the economy he wanted to change the news narrative. To control the conversation. This also served to bolster Obama’s numbers with the Hispanic population into which Romney has been making slight inroads.

Couple this with the talk of Senator Marco Rubio’s name being banded about for Romney’s VP choice. As well as Senator Rubio’s version of the Dream Act that will be coming out soon and which is said to be very similar to what Obama announced June 15th. I cannot imagine Obama wanting Rubio’s bill to be debated and possibly passed before the election and then have Rubio run against him in the VP slot.

Regardless how you feel about the subject of student deportations I believe this could have been handled better this way.

Ring, ring.

“Hello, this is Senator Rubio speaking.”

“Yes Senator, this is President Obama. May I speak with you for a minute?”

“Why yes Mr. President.”

“I’ve heard some good things about your proposed Dream Act and I believe it has many of the same things I would like to see in such a bill. I would like to meet with you soon to see if we could come to some kind of mutual agreement on the wording. Then, with my support we could move this bill along through the Senate and House. What do you think?”

“Yes Mr. President, I would love to work with you on getting this bill through Congress.”

“Great Senator! I look forward to our bi-partisan cooperation on this important legislation.”

A conversation like this with the subsequent bi-partisan presentation of such a bill would go a long way towards accomplishing what the President tried to do June 15th. The President would have been seen as a hero working as a leader. Reaching across the aisle. Getting the job done for the country. As well as going a long way in negating Senator Rubio’s influence with the Hispanic vote should Romney choose him for VP.

This would have been the right way to approach this subject. It would have been the Constitutional way to reach his goal. But no. This President sees himself above this. He feels decrees from him should be followed without question. Obama does not seem to want to do the hard heavy lifting that our Constitutional Republic requires of it’s leaders. So we return to the scene in the Rose Garden where this administration once again acts contrary to the stated duties of the Executive Branch of our Constitution.

And don’t get me started on the lack of outcry from Congress. They may wish to abdicate their authority to the Presidency but I do not. To Congress I say, “Do your job or get out!”

The same to the Press. DO YOUR JOB OR GET OUT!

November 6th. The jobs of the Senators, Congressmen and the President are up for a vote. To the people of the United States I say…..


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