Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Ok, time to get your mad on. Or not. It would appear the ObamaCare debate really doesn’t resonate with the American people. Oh well. Maybe the following will get your blood pressure up. I hope it does.

On “The Examiner” website ( found at washingtonexaminer.com) dated October 1, 2012. Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner writes about how Romney should expose the IRS as the enforcer for ObamaCare.

My readers may remember I was concerned about the IRS overseeing the implementation of ObamaCare. How thousands of new agents will be hired to help enforce ObamaCare upon 300,000,000 Americans. Now see how the IRS will even further invade our lives.

Remember, the IRS will impose penalties if you don’t have medical insurance or if you have inadequate medical insurance. Two things you have to consider when you read that statement.

1. How are penalties assessed? Well it’s been reported the IRS cannot directly fine you if you don’t comply with the mandates of Obamacare. BUT! They can assess and deduct any penalties from any tax return you may receive. That’s right. The average tax return is $3000. Now imagine the IRS taking out 600 to 1200 dollars for your non compliance. How does that make you feel? I’d be mad. But wait there’s more. Let us consider item number 2.

2. Quoting “The Examiner” article again. “The IRS will also determine who is eligible for taxpayer-financed subsidies to purchase health care on the exchanges that will be set up in every state.” How do they do that you ask? Well you will be required to report, to the IRS, every time there is a change in your status. That’s right. Your status determines whether you are eligible or in compliance with the Obamacare rules and regulations. So every time you get a raise, a new job, move to another state, get married, divorced, have kids, have kids move out -- you will be required to report it to the IRS for the purpose of recalculating your eligibility.

That’s right you have to report to the IRS every time there is a change in your life. If you don’t you may be penalized. Think owing the IRS a fine. You may also be denied benefits. Or at best your benefits may be delayed.

This will be enforced starting 2014. This was reported under questioning at a congressional hearing by Nina Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate at the IRS.

So remember. Starting in 2014 you must inform the IRS, by official form I’m guessing, of the following:

A raise.

A promotion.

A change in employment.

A move to another state.



Birth of a child.

A child move out.

Anything that changes you status.

With the conversations concerning health care that are out there the following would not be beyond the scope of the questions the IRS may require answers for.

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

Do you own a firearm?

Do you engage in high risk sports? I.e.: hunting, skiing, skydiving, ATV riding, motorcycle riding, etc

The above increases the risk to health and also increases the risk of bodily injury.  That would raise health care costs.  So who’s to say that won’t be required reporting too? So how much do you want to report to the IRS and have that information reside on a government computer forever.

How’s that Hope ‘n’ Change working for you now? How’s that “You have to pass the bill to know what’s in the bill“. Maybe we should consider all this when we vote November 6th.

It’s not just about who the President is. It’s also the House, Senate, State Governors, State Senators and Congressmen.

We really must vote. Not to vote give up your say in how this country moves forward. If you give up your vote you give up your rights. Remember the loss of freedom is always just one vote away.

Thanks for reading.

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