Sunday, December 13, 2015


Muslims. What do you know about Muslims?  Well a recent poll of Muslims living in America is interesting.  A recent poll commissioned by The Center for Security Policy reveals the following:

Of those polled 55% were male,  88% are between 18 to 44 years old and are currently living in the United States.
47% characterize sharia as a guide to the personal practice of Islam
25% agree sharia is a comprehensive program governing all aspects of the faithful Muslim's life.

Sharia vs U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights: 43% for Constitution, 33% sharia.
39% support the American Courts over sharia.
36% think they should be free to choose either.
15% support sharia courts only.

51% want the choice of being governed by sharia.

29% agree with violence against those who insult Muhammad, the Qur'an, etc.

25% agree that violence against Americans here in the U.S. can be justified as part of the global jihad.

Jihad understood by 51% as peaceful, personal struggle to be more religious.
16% believe jihad is the violent holy war against unbeliever of Islam.
11% say jihad as non-violent actions to undermine non-Muslim states and peoples.

54% think that there are violent jihadist in the U.S.

19% thinks the use of violence in the U.S. is justified to make sharia the law of the land.
24% think violence is justified to punish those who offend Islam.
36% think the Muslim Brotherhood is present in the U.S.

According to the Pew Research Center ( in 2010 there are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. About 2.75 million Muslims (1% of U.S. population) live in America.  Looking at the afore mentioned poll of Muslims living in the U.S. approxamently 20,000 Muslims are living here who think the use of violence is justified to advance sharia.  If only 10% of them are willing to act upon their violent belief that's still 2000 people willing to attack us here.  Many more would be willing to look the other way or even help those who wish us harm.  Look what two Muslims were able to do in California last week.  Yeah I'd be looking twice at most Muslims I encounter.

We keep hearing about "peaceful" Muslims.  The majority may well be but enough are willing to hijack their so called peaceful religion to advance it to cause pain and suffering to the population around them.  The rest are unwilling to stop the jihadist, to protest or even turn the jihadist in. But we are looking at the problem with Islam all wrong.

Let me elaborate.  Islam calls itself one of the three religions of "The Book".  The Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an are revelations of the One True God according to Muslims.  But I contend the Qur'an is a distortion of God's Word.  Since Satan is the author of lies, he distorts and corrupts all he touches.  As a Christian I see the following as signs of Satan's work.

Islam condemns the Trinity. They view Christians as Polytheists, worshiping more than one God.
Islam considers Jesus a prophet not the Son of God.  They rank Jesus below Mohammad.

God's Law states:
Thou shall NOT commit adultery.  The Qur'an teaches against adultery, punishable by death, but a Muslim man can have several wives and many concubines.
Thou shall NOT murder.  But the Qur'an teaches a Muslim can murder any non-believer to advance the faith. The Qur'an teaches a Muslim can lie and falsely swear to advance the faith and is encouraged to do so.
A Christian man marries a woman and the two become one.  A Muslim man owns his wife(s) and considers them his chattel.  No different than livestock.  Examples of this last point can be seen time and time again when peaceful Muslim men, men put forward as examples of moderates within their faith, beat their wives or even kill them for some violation of the Qur'an.  Their daughters are subject to "honor killings" to atone for some slight to the honor of the father/family.

Time after time the Qur'an takes God's Law written on Man's heart and twists it into something abhorrent. Children, young girls, can be married.  Mohammad himself married children.  When asked how old a girl should be before a husband can consummate the marriage Mohammad is quoted as saying she should be able to bare his weight.  This is sick and flies in the face of Western Civilization's mores.

Many, the President included, point to the sins and writings of Christians as proof of prior bad deeds as an excuse for the Muslims.  The Bible was written by several men (inspired by God) over 1500 years.  Those who wish to point out the violent words of the Old Testament to justify the violent words of the Qur'an do so by ignoring the New Testament which is the Church of Christ.  The Perfect love shown by Christ and the writers of the New Testament is not mirrored in the Qur'an.  The Qur'an was written by one man, Mohammad.  The teachers of Islam say the newer verses of their book overrides the words written earlier.  Meaning the last writings, the ones most violent, have more importance and therefore precedence.

Islam is at odds with modern civilization and our mores.  Islam is a remnant of a mid-evil cult that is an abomination of the teaching of the Bible.  Muslims who behave in a civilized fashion may be at odds with their own religion.  Their conflict and their inability to quell the violent side of their faith is killing us.   It is difficult for me to understand how we can live at peace together.  I am willing to try but how can I be at peace with them when I cannot trust what they say?  If they cannot or will not assimilate into our culture what are they doing here?  I can only conclude that for a few of them they are here to move us in the direction of Islam.

All this rambling is to help me understand our world today.  I also want you to give thought to Muslims.  Our President wants to bring thousands of Muslim refugees here.  Christian refugees are noticeable absent.  65% of Syrian refugees are said to be illiterate and are coming from a war torn area where there is not much in the way of information to properly vet.  There should be a pause from accepting more refugees for those countries until we can set up a better vetting process.  I believe we should help but should we let our compassion get ourselves killed?  What about our families?  Do they deserve to live in fear because of our rush to accept refugees?  The first order of a Government is to protect it's citizens.

Finally.  The group of refugees just forced  upon Texas are young men of military age.  Why aren't they fighting in their own country?  These are not the widows and orphans the President talked about.  Muslims vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Are we being played?  I know what my answer is.

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