Friday, May 28, 2010

You are on your own

Yes you are on your own. Not you so much but some of the States.

Case #1. Arizona asks and asks the Federal Government to help with Illegals entering their state from Mexico. The Feds yawn and go on to other matters. The state of Arizona passes a law designed to help themselves and they are ostracized for being racists by the media and by officials in the Federal Government, none of which has even read the bill. Then the two Senators from Arizona beg and beg the President to send troops to Arizona's border with Mexico. What does the President do? After weeks of delay he sends 1200 National Guardsmen. 1200! That's probably two guardsmen per mile of border. I don't think it's enough.

Case #2. The Oil Spill in the Gulf. Accidents happen and this was a bad one. Eleven people dead. Millions of gallons of oil pumping into the Gulf. An oil slick as big as Pennsylvania moving towards Louisiana. The Governor of the state begging the Feds and the Army Corps of Engineers to do something. Anything. To stop it. The Governor asks for more sand barrier islands to be made to stop the oil reaching the beaches and wetlands. What does he get? SILENCE!!!

Case #3. Texas is told that a Somali terrorist is planning on crossing it's boarder with Mexico sometime soon so be on the lookout. The Governor of Texas asks for additional troops for border security. What does he get. Not just silence but NO!!!!!

So what have we learned? The states are on their own. I say the Governors of these states take the bull by the horns and flip the collective bird to Washington. They should all say "Screw you we'll fix it ourselves". Texas and Arizona should call up their Guardsmen and put them on the border. They should form Posses or deputize the Minute Men and put them on the borders too. They should build bearers and fences to protect themselves. The Governor of Louisiana should have his Guardsmen build the sand islands to protect his shores. He should also mobilize volunteers to help with the clean up. Speaking of sand, all three of these guys should tell Washington to "go pound sand". Yes, and these states should with-hold federal tax monies to pay for their having to do the Feds job.

Maybe it's time to think about states succeeding from the Union. I mean if Washington takes and takes but doesn't help what's the point of being in the Union anyway. Really this was the reason the Civil War was fought. The Federal Government was telling the states what to do and interfering with the way they were running things. Are we men? Or are we latte' drinking pantie waists. Check yourself and decide.

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