Monday, January 14, 2013

Beware of "Need"

Beware the “need” argument.

The recent gun debate has featured the question “why do you need an Ar15 or a 30 round magazine?” Beware of the use of the word - need. I’ve addressed this “need” as to magazine capacity before. I will broaden our examination further.

To repeat, who or what determines what I need. We the People or the Government? Who has the power? We the People or the Government? The correct answer is We the People as outlined in the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.

In 2011 the President, while talking about high gas prices, told a man complaining about high gas prices to buy a new car. When told the man had 10 kids and needed a bigger vehicle to hold them all, Obama ridiculed him then told him he needed a hybrid van.

In other words if this man hadn’t been so selfish. If he would have thought of the greater good. He would not “need” so many kids. If he had not needed those kids he would not have needed the SUV. It doesn’t take much reasoning to see where this is going. You only “need” a small electric or hybrid car. You “need” to walk or bike more. We the Government will tell you what you “need” and will make laws and regulations to move you in the right direction. The car you “need”. The number of children you “need”.

For example: China has a one child policy. Why? Because they had too many people using too many resources. The result? Millions of baby girls have been aborted in the quest for boy children. Many baby girls born were murdered by their own parents so they could try for a boy. This because the government defined it’s citizen’s needs.

Are you an empty nester with that 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house? You only need one bedroom and one bathroom. What if you still have kids living at home. Do you need a bedroom for each person? The Government could say you only need three tops. One for mom and dad. One for the daughters. One for the sons. You only need one or one and a half bathrooms too. Do you really need a house with a big yard? It would be much more efficient to live in a one bedroom apartment. You know the Earth cannot sustain it’s growing population if we continue to demand more resources for our own selfish reasons. We are the Government, we know what you need better that you.

Do you need all those calories you consume each day? Why we have an obesity problem in this country. Our heath care costs are skyrocketing! Our government scientists have determined you only need 2500 calories a day. That’s all you really need to live. Think of the greater good. Problem with compliance? Not with that RFID chip in your Government issued ID. Do you think the Government can’t control something like this? When was the last time you tried to buy antihistamine at Wal-Mart? You had to show ID and your purchase was recorded so you could not go to another pharmacy to purchase more antihistamine in the next few days. A data base just to restrict cold medicine! It wouldn’t be that hard for food too.

You don’t think this will this happen? The mayor of New York City has determined his citizens don’t need to buy a soda bigger than 16 oz. Touting women’s “need” to breast feed more Mayor Bloomberg now has baby formula locked up in hospitals. He has just come out saying his citizens don’t need more that a three day supply of pain medication when they leave an ER. “You may have to suffer little” he says. Suck it up Buttercup! He is also preventing the prescribing of some pain medications out of the ER.


The First Lady persuaded schools in America to limit the calories in students meals. Her plan denied growing teenagers the nutrients to keep them going for the 8, 9 or 10 hours they were in school. Athletes and non-athletes alike received the same amount of food. Students were leaving campus during lunch to buy food to keep going. They weren’t buying health food either. Chips, power bars, candy bars. High salt, high calories, high fat. Again, Government determined “need” in action. The outcry of the student meal plan has now caused it to be modified.

A Government that defines so many “needs” destroys wants and desires. Did man need to fly? No but his wants and desires has him soaring like Eagles and walking in space.

Did man need to go faster than one horse power? No but his wants and desires have him driving in cars now. More mobile that ever. Along with the airplane traveling to the far reaches of the Earth. Shrinking the globe making all our next door neighbors.

Did man need a phone? No but desire has given us I-phones that access the internet. A TV? Didn’t need that too but man’s desire has brought the world to our living rooms.

The point is a Government that defines our “needs” is a Government that restricts our freedoms. Restricts our innovation. Keeps us from remaining the great nation that saved the world several times in the last century. A “needs” centered government restricts our freedom to move around as we please. To learn as we please. To raise our families as we please. To speak, worship, defend ourselves as we see fit. A “need” defining Government is a people controlling Government. A Government Of the People, By the People and For the People keeps us safe and free to be the great nation we use to be.

Beware of the use of the term “NEED”. It is a freedom killer.

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