Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The end is near.  No not the end of the world.  Just the end of America.  Our Traitor in Chief Obama and his comrades in crime the Democrats and Republicans have ran this nation into the ground.  Now their assault upon the 2nd Amendment has begun.  Also this state I live in, Illinois, may pass a sweeping anti gun law in the next few days disarming the citizens of this state.  All semi-auto pistols, rifles and shotguns will be baned.  All pump action rifles and shotguns will be baned.  No grandfather clause.  We will have a short time to turn them all into the State Police to be destroyed.

The choices we face are; comply and become serfs, become felons, move out of the state, or revolt.  I like to think that I am strong enough not to comply so that leaves one of the other three.  If the gun owners leave the state still wins.  But most cannot up and leave on short notice.  Especially if they have family, jobs, homes they would have to abandon.  Become a felon?  With a stroke of a pen tens of thousands of citizens could became felons.  If caught what are the fines.  What would be the jail time.  What would be the consequences of a felony gun charge on your record.  Couldn't move to another state then and be a free man, a free gun owner.  To revolt would mean someone would be hurt or killed.  Am I willing to kill or be killed for my constitutional rights?  I imagine these same thoughts went through the minds of Americans in 1776.

How about the State Police?  The local police?  Will they comply with this unconstitutional order to disarm?  Will I?  Will you?

Dasvidaniya Comrades

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