Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Presidential Malpractice

Welcome to the era of Presidential malpractice.  Obama sits in the White House and continues to espouse he had no idea that you would lose you health care.  He had no idea the web site was so poorly put together.  He didn't even know about the IRS scandal until he read it in the papers the same as the American people.  Nether he nor his Attorney General knew about the Fast and Furious gun running program.  The President didn't know about potential problems in Benghazi.  He didn't know about tapping the phones and emails of our European Allies.

So either he is incompetent or a liar.  A recently released memo suggests the President knew about you losing your health care back in 2010.  Yet he continued to tell the people you could keep your health care if you like it.  All to win an election and remain in power. When asked about untruthful statements during the 2012 campaign it was explained that these little untruths are just part of the campaign process.

I hope he is just a liar.  If not then this is all part of the master plan or incompetency.  An incompetent President begs the question "Who is running the show"?  Is there a puppet master behind the scene or is our faceless, unelected bureaucracy the real movers and shakers of government. Who is the puller of the strings?  Who is reining in the outlaw bureaucrats?

Promise after promise has been made by this President to "get to the bottom of this". 

Well Mr. President we're waiting!!!!!!!!

An honorable man would admit his mistakes and correct the problems.  If he could not then again an honorable man would resign.  The problems are not being fixed!  He has not resigned!  Ergo I conclude this President is not an honorable man and we deserve better.

But wait!  I contend we deserve exactly this President because "We the People" elected him.  Then re-elected him.  We will not get better unless we elect better!  We must elect those men and women who believe in the same America as the people.  We must elect men and women who are from among us.  Not Washington insiders!  Not media sweethearts!  Not Ivy League prima donnas!

Until then welcome to the decline.

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