Friday, February 5, 2010

Presidential Gaffs

Presidential gaffs. George Bush was ridiculed for them. His "speech-a-fing" was proof to his detractors he was a dumb Texas redneck. Well.......

Some of the presidential gaffs of the current President whom I'll just call BO. AlQeada is pronounced by him as Al-kI-A-duh. Huh? Or he pronounces Taliban, "Tal-ee-bon". Then there's Copenhagen which he says Coop-en-hogging. As in Hogging Dass the ice cream? That Harvard edgamakation is really paying off.

How about when he gave his first address to the nation after the Ft. Hood massacre. BO talked for over two minutes giving "shout outs" and praises to someone who had been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. It turned out that while the man was a war hero he did not receive the CMH but BO had awarded him some civilian Congressional Medal. Apparently as Commander in Chief BO does not understand the armed forces he's the head of. He also doesn't understand about addressing the nation and calming fears after a terrorist attack. The disrespect he showed to the dead and wounded was telling. Or the speech he gave about medical costs when he used the example of a man who lost his health insurance and then died. Well the man did loose his insurance but got it back two weeks later and then was treated for his cancer. He lived several more years before dying. Again in another medical cost speech he talks about taking a child to the ER to be treated for asthma and said something about a simple treatment with a breathalyzer would have prevented the child taking up a hospital bed. Again I scratch my head.

So two days ago he gives a speech (with the use of his teleprompter) about some Navy Corpsman who was serving on a Hospital ship in Haiti. Not once, not twice, but three times he refers to the corpsman as corpse-man. I don't know about you but if I wake up from surgery and a corpse-man is standing over me I might be a little worried! I wonder what the military symbol for corpse-man is. A corpsman is the standard snakes entwined on a pole with wings. I guess a corpse-man would be a sickle? Wait a minute! Corpse-man? Sickle? All we need is a hammer! That proves it! BO is a Marxist!

So what is the point of all this. One, you put someone in front of a mic and cameras every day he (or she) will say something that will make you go "huh?" and sound really dumb. Two, George Bush wasn't as dumb as the media and the left made him out to be. Three, BO is not as smart as the media and the left makes him out to be.

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