Thursday, February 11, 2010

An Snow it goes

The biggest snow storm to hit Washington DC since 1922. Federal employees are told to stay home. They are now in their 5th snow day. The mayor of DC has pulled the snow plows off the road for now. The capital buildings cannot be seen through the snow. It's as if they all disappeared. Congress is idle.

The rest of the nation has ground to a halt. The trains have stopped running. The planes have stopped flying. Trucks of produce are stranded on the side of the road. Grocery stores are running out of food. Hospitals have gone dark. The children are dying!

Wait a minute?!?! You mean the rest of the country is not at a stand still? Washington is still shut down and we are alright? How can this be? If this keeps up the people will start to realize that we don't really need that big of government in Washington. You mean the federal government could be reduced and we could still live the American dream?

I had an epiphany a few years ago. It was when Reagan was president. He was fighting with congress about the budget and the federal government was shut down except for a few essential offices. After about two weeks they passed a budget but by then the damage was done. Our lives were not affected one little bit during that shut down. Yes I realized how little we needed the feds.

I sometimes think that congress and the president pass those laws and spend our money just so they can justify their positions. It doesn't seem to matter we have thousands of laws on the books. It doesn't seem to matter the laws we have are not being enforced. They say: "By golly something needs to be done about (enter any problem here) and we are the congress and we should have hearings and pass a law and impose a tax to pay for fixing (enter the afore mentioned problem here)." They do that because they are really thinking: "If we don't do something the people will fix it themselves and then realize they don't really need us."

So back to the snow storm. While I don't want anyone to get hurt because of it I really would like to see it snow there until June.

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