Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I haven't been writing much lately because I'm tired. I feel like I am just pooping words out there and nothing happens. Nothing changes.

Like this story on the local news today. Fed Ex puts a Springfield employee on administrative leave because she won't hide the cross she's wearing. Seems they have a policy against "personalized jewelry". Who knew wearing a cross was personalized jewelry? In the United States of America someone could loose their job for wearing a cross! I won't call for a boycott of Fed Ex. No one would anyway. Besides Christians are an easy mark. It's not like we have any suicide bombers like that other "religion of peace".

Then there is the story of the presidents chief of staff who used the term "f***ing retards" to a bunch of democrats. He should be fired but nooo! Just an apology to the head of the Special Olympics will do. Who's name is Shriver as in the Kennedy's. Like he is really sorry anyway.

Or the president saying in his State of the Union address that the Senate blocked forming some committee he wanted but that was ok because he would just put out some presidential decree and form the committee anyway. The president just flipped the bird to Congress. By the way he used the words "I" or "ME" over 100 times in that speech. Notice he didn't use "us" or "we" or any other corporate term that much. It's all about him!

Then we find out the Attorney General was the one who told the anti-terrorist people to stop grilling the Christmas Bomber and read him his rights after only 50 minutes of interrogation. The guy immediately clammed up. The AG also refused to investigate and prosecute some "New Black Panthers" who were at a voting place in Philly dressed in black military uniforms and holding billy clubs in an attempt to intimidate voters. Another one who just don't get it. He should be fired too. By the way the current AG was instrumental in getting some Portal Rico terrorists a presidential pardon under Clinton. I guess he likes bad boys.

Or the EPA who told congress that if you don't pass some form of environmental legislation they will just impose even stricter regulations. A form of government blackmail.

An on and on and on.....

I heard a good suggestion on the radio tonight. We should all take a month off from work and go to Washington DC and "get their attention". Maybe we SHOULD shut down the country. Maybe we SHOULD march on Washington and refuse to leave until the broke down, worn out, corrupt, P.O.S. politicians are tarred, feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.

Yeah, works for me. Now where did I put that pitch fork and torch?

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