Monday, March 1, 2010


Ok, electing a president is like getting married. You get in laws. If your lucky like me you get very nice and very neat in laws. But if your not lucky and you elect someone like President BHO you get...

Eric Holder, Attorney General. Ta ta ta daaaaaa!!!

A closer look revels Mr. Holder worked in the Clinton administration and was instrumental in securing the presidential pardon of Porto Rican terrorists. These terrorists are responsible for planting bombs and killing police officers. These murderers are walking free today because Holder championed their release.

When Clinton left office Mr. Holder went to work for a Washington DC law firm. This firm has represented more gitmo detainees than any other single law firm. To be fair Holder didn't represent any detainees himself but in light of his previous actions I imagine he was sympathetic to the cause.

Now he is the AG. That means he is the head of the justice department. Since he took over there have been at least nine attorneys brought on that have represented gitmo detainees. To a man these lawyers have championed their clients cause in court. I'm sure they all wanted to have their clients tried in a civilian court. To have their clients Miranda rights read them. It suddenly doesn't surprise me that the mastermind of the 911 plot is now going to be tried in civilian court.

Oh but there's more. The New Black Panthers stood in their para-military uniforms with billy clubs in their hands attempting to intimidate voters in the election that brought BHO to power. When presented with the evidence, which included video, the Justice department declined to prosecute. Wow, really? What if these had been white guys?

What about the Christmas bomber? Fifty minutes after they started interviewing him he was read his Miranda rights. The FBI acting upon instructions from Mr. Holder stated they had got all they needed in that fifty minutes. Do they really think we are such morons? Well yes they do, but I digress. Over a month later to try to smooth over the flack of Mirandizing too soon the Justice department says well the bomber was talking now. Now? Now, after all his buddies in Yemen have bugged out and went to ground. Now, when most of his information is dated and of no use to us? These terrorist lovers in our government are killing us!

Which leads me back to bHo. He was born and created out of the radical "I hate America" groups. Someone of his ilk was bound to come along. It was a "fate' complete". He had a communist father. His grandfather on his mother's side would take him at an early age to meet communists. By his own admission he would seek out community organizers and radicals. He associated with a convicted Weather Underground bomber who had bombed the Pentagon. His pastor for over 20 years is a communists preaching "God Damn America" from the pulpit filling bHo's head with black liberation theology. The Rev White sounded happy when he told his congregation that "America's chickens have come home to roost" in the days after the 911 attacks. He was praised by bHo in his first book and defended until he had to throw him under the buss to get elected.

Barack Hussein Obama hates the America we love. His wife said it was the first time she was proud of America during the election. If she is just now proud what was she before?

Remember connections? This is just the tip. But it's getting late. More soon.

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