Friday, March 19, 2010

Thank You Mr. President

Thank you Mr. President. I have learned so much from you since you have taken office.
Say anything to get elected.
Blame the last guy.
Lie a lot
Don't answer any questions directly.
Lie a lot
Tell stories to tug the heart strings, even if they are not true.
Blame the last guy.
Lie a lot.
The end justifies the means.
Lie a lot.

I mean wow! This opens up all kind of possibilities. If I want to be a millionaire all I have to do is lie and steal. I mean it doesn't matter how I get there. Rules are for wimps. Laws are for the other person. The constitution doesn't matter especially if it keeps getting in the way. Right? I mean there was that whole hand upon the Bible swearing to uphold and defend the Constitution but that was just some old fashion ritual. We shouldn't hold you to your word or anything?

Thank you again President BO.

Wow that felt good. I needed to get that off my chest. After having heard some of what is in the Obamacare bill I was feeling mighty bad. I was considering taking flying lessons. Not landing lessons, just flying. But I just didn't understand.

Why should I be upset that the IRS is taking over the oversight for health care compliance? Why should I be upset that the IRS will checking everyone in the U.S. monthly for proof of health care insurance. Or that the IRS has it's own set of rules. That old pesky Bill of Rights doesn't apply to them. Innocent until proven guilty? Right to remain silent? Who needs them. The Man-God Obama has made it all better.

How about all the bribery needed to get Democrats to vote for this bill? The Louisiana Purchase? The Nebraska Corn Husker Kick-back? The Connecticut Hospital bribe. The North Dakota bank exemption to the Education Bill attacked to the Health Care Bill? The Congressman who's brother was appointed to be a Federal Judge for his yes vote. The Congressman from Ohio who switched his vote yesterday from no to yes after his wife got a job working with Mrs. Obama. The list goes on and on.

How about the parliamentary hand job that allows congressmen to vote for the Health Care Bill by "Deem and Rule". The so called "Slaughter Rule". This allows the congressmen to vote for the reconciliation bill with out voting for the bill itself. A yes vote will mean "we vote for this and it will mean we agree the Health Care bill has already passed". Even tho they did not vote for the Health Care bill at all. They do this to avoid having to get a super majority vote to pass this thing. This is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution which everyone in Congress has vowed to uphold and defend.

If the Democrats get this passed America is dead! They can use the "Slaughter Rule" to pass anything they want between now and the November elections. Immigration reform giving amnesty to 30 million illegals. Cap and Trade which will, among other things, mean $7 a gallon gas. Coal plants, which produce half of our electricity, will be taxed out of existence. The Big BO said so himself on the campaign trail. Our great nation will grind to a halt.

I am afraid it is too late to stop this. God has forsaking us. Kiss your family good-by.

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