Sunday, March 21, 2010

Traitors (aka Democrats)

Weep, weep, weep for your country all you who love the America we once knew. The Traitors of the Constitution have prevailed in the House. The Obama Care bill will be signed into law on Tuesday by the Traitor in Chief. Where oh where is the statesman who will stand up and lead the Revolution? Who will stop the emboldened from moving onto Illegal Aliens receiving amnesty? Who will now stop Cap and Trade with it's $7 a gallon gas and heavy tax on fossil fuel? America has peeked, it's all down hill from here.

The new strategy from the Republicans should be vote no on ALL legislation. Just vote no but do not oppose more than that. Let all those democrats who voted for these Traitors see just what they did to this country. When the country was first formed the word democrat was a political epitaph just like the "N" word is a racial epitaph. In other words a derogatory word that when used against another usually ended in a fight. Today it is again. To call someone a "Democrat Politician" is now the most vile thing I can think of to call someone.

March 21, 2010 will now be known as Black Sunday.

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