Tuesday, April 27, 2010

War Games 2

Just another thought about the last post. When using fake attacks, terrorists would be more likely to recruit operatives that don't belong to the terrorist's demographic. By using blond haired, blue eyed northern European types for example, Islamic terrorists could separate themselves from detection. Fake attacks would be an easier sale and could even be presented as a prank or some other harmless act. An added benefit would be if the non-terrorist types are caught. In fact this should be arraigned. The addition of a new group of suspects would cause the government to expand it's search profile. And yes the authorities profile. It's not a bad thing. More people would be inconvenienced causing discontent towards the government policies if the terrorists play it right. We see this today. People grumble against government policies and restrictions set in place to protect them from the terrorists that wish to kill them. The people have forgot why the government is doing this and don't focus their anger towards the terrorists.

So fake or copy cat attacks work in terrorists favor. They advance their cause and weaken the governments response.

War Games

Disclaimer: I do not endorse the use of the following methods. I do not advocate violence, terror or any other kind of illegal activity. The following thesis is merely the result of a bored mind that shouldn’t be allowed to play unsupervised. Having said that let us begin with…..

War games

The point of terrorist is to effect a change on the object of their attention. That change may be to kill and maim. Most likely the object of terrorism is to force an enemy to become something else or to move in a desired direction. For example to embrace a religion such as Islam. Or to embrace a political ideology such as Communism. These nudges by terrorist move a people, group or country along by little steps that don’t always have to be successful.

Recently just a short block away from my home a mail carrier found a white powdery substance in a mailbox. Because of past terrorist attacks reported widely in the news where people have died or gotten sick from someone mailing anthrax to government offices the mail carriers are trained to watch out for this. This training combined with the previous attacks has breed paranoia and fear. The result is the local government turned out the fire department, police department, hazmat team etc to investigate. The street was blocked off. Traffic diverted. Resources used. A mail carrier decontaminated. Why? Someone put baby powder in a mail box.

This got me thinking. The first terrorists attacks don’t always have to be successful but they have to be real. The anthrax letters are one example. 9-11 is another. The shoe bomber is a third. The next set of attacks have to have at least the promise of success. Then the rest after that can be fakes. For example the baby powder mentioned before. The unknown factor in all the attacks is weather or not the attack is real. In fact it would be better for the terrorist cause if the later attacks are fakes. Human nature being what it is the rash of fake attacks and the accompanying copycat attacks by disturbed persons not associated with the terrorists will over time begin to lull the victims into a reduced state of preparedness.

Fake attacks can be useful too. For example; an organized mailing of envelops with baby powder in them from all over the country to the Capital in Washington DC would shut down the government mail system. The disruption would mean material would not reach their destination in time. Opportunities would be lost. Vast amounts of money and resources would be spent and diverted over a few ounces of baby powder. Certainly a cost effective and safe operation to carry out. This could be timed to occur as a distraction for another operation. Or a real attack of anthrax letters could occur immediately after the fake to take advantage of spent resources and human fatigue. A mail handler thinking he’s got a hold of another baby powder letter might just mishandle it and someone could get sick or die. Then the terror begins anew. The new fear would be greater and the government and country is nudged one step further towards the terrorist goal.

By definition a group who uses terror as a weapon usually is operating against an organization it cannot confront with a frontal assault. This gorilla, or asymmetrical, war is therefore one of attrition. The use of terror is designed to wear down the opponent’s resources as well as the will to fight. To loosely paraphrase Mao, as long as the gorillas don’t loose they win. Timing is crucial in forcing a capitulation to the terms of the terrorist. For example. Our country is fighting two wars over seas using vast amounts of money and recourses. Our economy is shaky right now while we are in a recession. Our political system is very contentious with each party pushing hard for votes and power. The people are polarized more than any other time since before the Civil War. Carefully timed attacks against our infrastructure could cause massive disruptions of our goods and products being delivered. Key bridges on the Mississippi River could be damaged or destroyed. Some sort of maritime disaster on the Great Lakes could occur such as a toxic spill or a ship sunk in a narrow passage. Coupled with an oil refinery attack or two and our economy could be pushed to the brink. Our recourses would be needed at home and our forces may need to be reduced or even pulled out of the two wars. The terrorists could more easily take over Iraq and Afghanistan. Pakistan could be threatened and their nuclear arsenal seized. The terrorists don’t have to win. They just don’t have to loose.

Again these are just the thoughts of a bored brain. But the scary part is, if I can think of this surly the terrorists can. Pleasant dreams.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Today a Muslim cleric in Iran stated that women wearing provocative clothing leads young men astray and causes earthquakes! The way to stop earthquakes is to embrace Islam and repent. If you do that the quaking will stop.

Oh-My-God!! These people are still living in the 6Th century with 21st century weapons and they think this stuff? Our leaders, pardon I forgot where I was living. Our Beloved Leader Obama and his regime of rulers better start getting serous about Iran and it's nuclear aspirations or we'll all be glowing in the dark soon.

In an unrelated report. At least no one is making the connection. The President stated the other day "... like it or not we are a superpower...". I truly think he doesn't want us to be a superpower. He has apologized all over the world for the United States. Every time he makes a speech overseas he says "I'm sorry". Everything his regime does seams to be pushing us towards making America a has been nation just like France. Think about it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Odds and Ends

You're going to love this.

A Georgia Congressman stated in a House Armed Forces Committee hearing that he was concerned with sending too many troops and equipment to Guam. He was afraid the island would tip over and capsize. This is the quality of people we have running our government. Oh he voted for ObamaCare and he is a former Judge.

An Illinois Congressman stated he wasn't concerned about the Constitution in regards to the health care debate. I guess that whole putting your hand on the Bible and vowing to uphold and defend the Constitution was just for show. I wonder how that applies to his wedding vows?

President BO bragged this week that "we took 86 billion dollars from the banks". He was referencing the 100% government take over of the student loans. This was put in the reconciliation bill to help fudge the number so the whole health care bill would be deficient neutral on paper. The government just swept in and eliminated a private sector industry so they could get more revenue. Whose next?

The director of Homeland Security has decided to stop looking closely at air travelers from certain Muslim countries. From now on they will be screened just like anyone else. I feel safer already.

The FAA has announced that Pilots can now take anti-depressants and fly. I guess the whole drowsy and suicidal side effects aren't that big a deal when piloting a plane with 400 souls on board. I think I'll drive, thank you.

You can't make this stuff up!