Friday, April 2, 2010

Odds and Ends

You're going to love this.

A Georgia Congressman stated in a House Armed Forces Committee hearing that he was concerned with sending too many troops and equipment to Guam. He was afraid the island would tip over and capsize. This is the quality of people we have running our government. Oh he voted for ObamaCare and he is a former Judge.

An Illinois Congressman stated he wasn't concerned about the Constitution in regards to the health care debate. I guess that whole putting your hand on the Bible and vowing to uphold and defend the Constitution was just for show. I wonder how that applies to his wedding vows?

President BO bragged this week that "we took 86 billion dollars from the banks". He was referencing the 100% government take over of the student loans. This was put in the reconciliation bill to help fudge the number so the whole health care bill would be deficient neutral on paper. The government just swept in and eliminated a private sector industry so they could get more revenue. Whose next?

The director of Homeland Security has decided to stop looking closely at air travelers from certain Muslim countries. From now on they will be screened just like anyone else. I feel safer already.

The FAA has announced that Pilots can now take anti-depressants and fly. I guess the whole drowsy and suicidal side effects aren't that big a deal when piloting a plane with 400 souls on board. I think I'll drive, thank you.

You can't make this stuff up!

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