Monday, April 19, 2010

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Today a Muslim cleric in Iran stated that women wearing provocative clothing leads young men astray and causes earthquakes! The way to stop earthquakes is to embrace Islam and repent. If you do that the quaking will stop.

Oh-My-God!! These people are still living in the 6Th century with 21st century weapons and they think this stuff? Our leaders, pardon I forgot where I was living. Our Beloved Leader Obama and his regime of rulers better start getting serous about Iran and it's nuclear aspirations or we'll all be glowing in the dark soon.

In an unrelated report. At least no one is making the connection. The President stated the other day "... like it or not we are a superpower...". I truly think he doesn't want us to be a superpower. He has apologized all over the world for the United States. Every time he makes a speech overseas he says "I'm sorry". Everything his regime does seams to be pushing us towards making America a has been nation just like France. Think about it.

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