HHS Mandates.
The Department of Health and Human Services has mandated that all religious insurance providers, health care providers and hospitals provide contraception, sterilization, “morning after abortion drugs” and abortion on demand. And has given the religious organizations one year to comply regardless of how these provisions violate religious beliefs. The biggest religious group affected is the Catholic charities and hospitals. They thought they were getting a waiver from this mandate for the Bishop’s support of ObamaCare last year. Silly, silly people. They thought Obama would keep his promise. Who do they think they are? A labor union or some business in Nancy Pelosi’s district? After all that’s where the majority of the 1500 plus ObamaCare waivers went to.
In response the Catholic Bishops put out a letter to be read in all churches last Sunday stating they will not comply with this HHS mandate and will fight it.
I stand with the Catholic Bishops.
One. This is a clear violation of their rights as put forth in the first amendment.
Two. I also feel this is a violation of the fourteenth amendment’s equal protection clause in respect to the rights of the unborn child.
Three. I feel this would be successfully argued against in the courts. Especially in light of the recent unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court that stated the government cannot mandate who religious organizations can hire if that hiring would violate the religious organizations beliefs.
Why would the Obama administration try to incite one quarter of the US population who are Catholic? Especially during an election year? What about the rest of us who for religious reasons oppose abortion on demand? I can only think of a few reasons why.
Reason one. Obama and his administration are arrogant and full of themselves. They believe they are the only ones who know what is best for us. After all he is the “anointed one” our very own “dear leader”. Obama’s advisor Valerie Jarrett said that Obama was so smart that he becomes bored quickly with the job of president.
Reason two. They hope the Roman Catholic Church in America will fight. Remember the IRS is in charge of overseeing compliance with ObamaCare. I see the administration revoking their tax exempt Statius so the government can then tax the Catholic Church’s income, property and assets. This would be a boon of millions if not billions of dollars to the government for them to spend as they see fit. They do love our money. This would also quash any resistance from other church bodies.
Reason three. The Catholic Church gets out of the business of health care and hospitals. Thus causing a collapse of our health care system. The Obama administration would then be forced “for the good of the people” to assume total control of health care in America. Think about it. The administration is already tying everything to health care. Be it gun ownership, smoking, obesity, salt intake, sugar in soda, car safety, children’s sport activities, &c. Therefore all can be regulated regardless of that pesky old “outdated” Constitution. They could have total control over our bodies and activities from cradle to grave.
Reason four. This is a miss direct action. A slight of hand to focus our attention here while they slip something past us with the other hand. I don’t know yet what that would be but with these guys you never know.
Reason five. This could be yet another attack on religion in America. Obama’s spiritual advisor during his campaign has resonantly come out praising the decline of the Jewish/Christian religion in America and the rise of a new secular religion. A religion of the government. If this is true then this is a game changer. Our Rights come from God not man. But if we get rid of God in our nation then where do our Rights come from. The government. Obama during the last campaign talked about how the Constitution was a document of negative liberties. He wants to rewrite the Constitution to his own standards of rights and liberties. How many times has our Constitution been rewritten? Zero! A few Amendments that’s it. How many times has the constitution in other countries been rewritten? Several times for each country. Why? In part because they believe their rights come from the government. Governments change therefore rights change.
Couple all this with the report from two bioethicists, one from Duke University the other from the National Institute of Health. Their report asked the question “what makes killing wrong?” Their conclusion was: if a person had no abilities left to them, then it would be ok to kill that person and harvest their organs so others may live. Why wait for them to die. They also believed that killing humans for these reasons was no different than weeding a garden. This sort of weeding out happen in the 1930s to the old and infirm, “the retarded”, Jews and Gypsies in a little country you might of heard of, Germany. This was also advocated by our own leaders 30 years before the Nazis. Isn’t history wonderful.
Lets recap:
Advisors to Obama want to replace God and religion with a religion of the government.
The administration is attacking religion and religious health care providers to provide abortions &c.
A report from two prestigious sources, Duke University and the National Institute of Health putting forth the idea of killing people for organ harvest. A report that may end up being cited in future court cases.
Does anyone remember a certain state senator from Illinois named Obama? While in the Illinois state senate he fought for, FOUGHT FOR, the ability to deny health care for a child who had survived an abortion attempt. A child who despite efforts to kill it in the womb was born alive anyway. State senator Obama fought to deny care to the child who was alive and living separate (outside of) from it’s mother. Obama would have allow a child to die from neglect. This is the man in the White House. This is our President of the United States.
We must stand with the Catholics and fight for God and our Rights. Who is with me?
What if they passed an unjust law and we all just said NO.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Divine Liturgy
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” I Corinthians 13:11
Many, many years when I was a senior in high school I was a member of a movement called the “Jesus Freaks”. Later we were called the “Jesus People”. A very good friend of mine had a girl friend who was a LCMS Lutheran. Attending one of her services I (we all) thought how structured how ridged it was. Our churches were all much less structured. Our prayer meetings before school in one of the main hallways were always free flowing including extemporaneous prayers, many “praise Jesus”, singing not so churchy songs, guitar playing &c. A few years later I met my wife. Then our daughter was born and baptized. Then God gave us (and me) another lesson in church. Mary had back surgery and wanted to receive communion. I called the new Lutheran pastor in town and he came over. When he offered me communion I declined because I wasn’t Lutheran. One thing led to another and I took instruction. Then before you knew it I was a Lutheran.
Now look at me. I have never attended a “High Church” Lutheran service I think I would like it. I very much like the Liturgy. The older the better. Anything less than the Divine Service setting three from the Lutheran Service Book is darn near contemporary service as far as I am concerned. I have even been known to recite the Litany and Compline. I draw great solace from the Liturgy.
So it would not surprise anyone that I sometimes research the Liturgy or parts of it like the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Creeds. Being a history buff and a searcher of knowledge I read the books I can find and surf the Net looking for information. Looking for history on the Liturgy I ran across a reference to the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. St. John was a church father who lived c. 347-407 AD. As an aside the name Chrysostom is the English for the Greek word Chrysostomo which translates as “golden mouthed”. Apparently St. John was quite the talker and given this title “Chrysostomo”. Unfortunately I could not find any copy of his Liturgy older than a few hundred years old. But what I could find was interesting. If laid it side by side with our Divine Service setting three you can see many similarities.
I then found that St. John’s Liturgy was a shortened version of St. Basil’s Liturgy. St. Basil was an contemporary of St. John and was Bishop of Caesarea from 370-379 AD. Again I could not find anything close to an original copy but what I could find looked similar to what we use today. St. Basil based his Liturgy on the Liturgy of St. James. St. James was the brother of Jesus and some have dated his Liturgy to the First Century. Scholars today place it around the late Third or early Fourth Centuries. Regardless no copies of the Liturgy of St. James can be found before the Tenth Century. The Liturgy of St. James was reported to be very long taking two to three hours to complete. This is why St. Basil and then St. John Chrysostom shorten the service. The length had grown to the point where the laity would not, or could not, spend the time to attend.
I was also surprised to find out that a hymn used in the Liturgy of St. James is still in use today. “Let all Mortal flesh keep silence” hymn number 621 in our Lutheran Service Book. Amazing this ancient chant of Eucharistic devotion is still being sung today in our churches after sixteen or more centuries.
Two points I found struck me when I read about these Liturgies. First was the fact that at a point in the service everyone who was not taking communion, i.e.: the catechumens and visitors were asked to leave. In an example of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom the Deacon would announce “Doors, doors. Let us give heed to wisdom”. None but the faithful were admitted into the church at this period of the Divine Liturgy. Again in the Liturgy of St. James the Deacon proclaims “Let none remain of the catechumens, none of the unbaptized, none of those who are unable to join in prayer. Look at one another. (Shut) the door. All erect; let us again pray to the Lord”.
Deacons would post themselves at the doors to guard against entry. This part of the service impressed me as a nod to the “Holy of Holies” where the “mysteries of Christ” were revealed. This also made the receiving of the Body and Blood a really big thing that only those who have received these “mysteries” were able to comprehend and receive worthily. It seams we Christians in this modern age have forgotten this mystery. I sometimes wonder if we think we are above that being “modern man” and not some ancient uneducated people in awe. We go to communion not looking back at the whole birth, life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. We commune “ex opere operato”. Which means “from the work done”. In other words by simply going through the motions without our heart in what we are doing. To quote the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV 63 “They imagine that the Sacraments give the Holy Spirit by the outward act (ex opere operato), without good emotion in the one receiving them. As though, indeed, the gift of the Holy Spirit were a useless matter.”
Again, when reading the more modern copies of the ancient Liturgies you come away with a service that focuses more intently on the sufferings of Christ and what that means to us. While it lengthened the services these Liturgies drove the penitent to his knees before the altar. Not in some pious pose but as a truly repentant sinner clinging to the foot of the Cross begging for the Body and Blood that brings Salvation. A focus we would do well to remember.
The second item that struck me was the similarities in these ancient Liturgies and our own. Including the hymn “Let all mortal flesh keep silence”. When we set in church on Sundays and chant our Liturgy we are saying almost the very same words chanted by the faithful for the last 17, 18 or 19 centuries. Think of it. Millions of Christians have chanted the same words for hundreds of years we chant today. So the Saints from the beginning of the Church, to today, to however long God allows into the future chant the same Liturgy. God in His Omnipotence looks at the Church seeing all in all times and places worshiping using the same words. If that don’t make you want to worship through the Liturgy then think on this. In our service the Pastor chants, “with angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven…” we then sing the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy). “All the company of Heaven” includes, among others, all the Saints who have gone before. So when we use the traditional Liturgy we not only worship in the same manner as Christians have for centuries before us. We also worship with those very same Christians in Heaven. Worshiping with the same words.
Think about that whenever someone wants to remove, reduce or back off celebrating Communion. Or when someone wants to have guitars, drum sets, clowns and dancers in the service. Or more importantly, when you are sitting through the Liturgy and your mind wonders……
Many, many years when I was a senior in high school I was a member of a movement called the “Jesus Freaks”. Later we were called the “Jesus People”. A very good friend of mine had a girl friend who was a LCMS Lutheran. Attending one of her services I (we all) thought how structured how ridged it was. Our churches were all much less structured. Our prayer meetings before school in one of the main hallways were always free flowing including extemporaneous prayers, many “praise Jesus”, singing not so churchy songs, guitar playing &c. A few years later I met my wife. Then our daughter was born and baptized. Then God gave us (and me) another lesson in church. Mary had back surgery and wanted to receive communion. I called the new Lutheran pastor in town and he came over. When he offered me communion I declined because I wasn’t Lutheran. One thing led to another and I took instruction. Then before you knew it I was a Lutheran.
Now look at me. I have never attended a “High Church” Lutheran service I think I would like it. I very much like the Liturgy. The older the better. Anything less than the Divine Service setting three from the Lutheran Service Book is darn near contemporary service as far as I am concerned. I have even been known to recite the Litany and Compline. I draw great solace from the Liturgy.
So it would not surprise anyone that I sometimes research the Liturgy or parts of it like the Liturgy of the Hours, or the Creeds. Being a history buff and a searcher of knowledge I read the books I can find and surf the Net looking for information. Looking for history on the Liturgy I ran across a reference to the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. St. John was a church father who lived c. 347-407 AD. As an aside the name Chrysostom is the English for the Greek word Chrysostomo which translates as “golden mouthed”. Apparently St. John was quite the talker and given this title “Chrysostomo”. Unfortunately I could not find any copy of his Liturgy older than a few hundred years old. But what I could find was interesting. If laid it side by side with our Divine Service setting three you can see many similarities.
I then found that St. John’s Liturgy was a shortened version of St. Basil’s Liturgy. St. Basil was an contemporary of St. John and was Bishop of Caesarea from 370-379 AD. Again I could not find anything close to an original copy but what I could find looked similar to what we use today. St. Basil based his Liturgy on the Liturgy of St. James. St. James was the brother of Jesus and some have dated his Liturgy to the First Century. Scholars today place it around the late Third or early Fourth Centuries. Regardless no copies of the Liturgy of St. James can be found before the Tenth Century. The Liturgy of St. James was reported to be very long taking two to three hours to complete. This is why St. Basil and then St. John Chrysostom shorten the service. The length had grown to the point where the laity would not, or could not, spend the time to attend.
I was also surprised to find out that a hymn used in the Liturgy of St. James is still in use today. “Let all Mortal flesh keep silence” hymn number 621 in our Lutheran Service Book. Amazing this ancient chant of Eucharistic devotion is still being sung today in our churches after sixteen or more centuries.
Two points I found struck me when I read about these Liturgies. First was the fact that at a point in the service everyone who was not taking communion, i.e.: the catechumens and visitors were asked to leave. In an example of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom the Deacon would announce “Doors, doors. Let us give heed to wisdom”. None but the faithful were admitted into the church at this period of the Divine Liturgy. Again in the Liturgy of St. James the Deacon proclaims “Let none remain of the catechumens, none of the unbaptized, none of those who are unable to join in prayer. Look at one another. (Shut) the door. All erect; let us again pray to the Lord”.
Deacons would post themselves at the doors to guard against entry. This part of the service impressed me as a nod to the “Holy of Holies” where the “mysteries of Christ” were revealed. This also made the receiving of the Body and Blood a really big thing that only those who have received these “mysteries” were able to comprehend and receive worthily. It seams we Christians in this modern age have forgotten this mystery. I sometimes wonder if we think we are above that being “modern man” and not some ancient uneducated people in awe. We go to communion not looking back at the whole birth, life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. We commune “ex opere operato”. Which means “from the work done”. In other words by simply going through the motions without our heart in what we are doing. To quote the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV 63 “They imagine that the Sacraments give the Holy Spirit by the outward act (ex opere operato), without good emotion in the one receiving them. As though, indeed, the gift of the Holy Spirit were a useless matter.”
Again, when reading the more modern copies of the ancient Liturgies you come away with a service that focuses more intently on the sufferings of Christ and what that means to us. While it lengthened the services these Liturgies drove the penitent to his knees before the altar. Not in some pious pose but as a truly repentant sinner clinging to the foot of the Cross begging for the Body and Blood that brings Salvation. A focus we would do well to remember.
The second item that struck me was the similarities in these ancient Liturgies and our own. Including the hymn “Let all mortal flesh keep silence”. When we set in church on Sundays and chant our Liturgy we are saying almost the very same words chanted by the faithful for the last 17, 18 or 19 centuries. Think of it. Millions of Christians have chanted the same words for hundreds of years we chant today. So the Saints from the beginning of the Church, to today, to however long God allows into the future chant the same Liturgy. God in His Omnipotence looks at the Church seeing all in all times and places worshiping using the same words. If that don’t make you want to worship through the Liturgy then think on this. In our service the Pastor chants, “with angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven…” we then sing the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy). “All the company of Heaven” includes, among others, all the Saints who have gone before. So when we use the traditional Liturgy we not only worship in the same manner as Christians have for centuries before us. We also worship with those very same Christians in Heaven. Worshiping with the same words.
Think about that whenever someone wants to remove, reduce or back off celebrating Communion. Or when someone wants to have guitars, drum sets, clowns and dancers in the service. Or more importantly, when you are sitting through the Liturgy and your mind wonders……
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Keystone Pipeline
President Obama has done it again. The Keystone Pipeline has been canceled. Axed. Nixed. Well you get the idea. Why? “The Republicans made me do it”. Yup those evil Republicans put an arbitrary 60 day deadline on the president to make a decision on the pipeline. After all with the president focusing on so many things like a laser he didn’t have time to make an informed decision so he said, screw it I’ll just kill it.
The Keystone pipeline was to transport oil from our friends and neighbors to the north (aka Canada) to the oil refineries in Texas along the Gulf. The EPA has signed off on it. The Interior Department said it was ok. The president? He said he would put off any decision until 2013. In other words he was going to wait until after the election. I guess it was too much to expect leadership from someone who voted “present” in every vote while he was in the Illinois Senate.
So this leader of the free world ignored the following.
1) Canada was willing to ship us oil to refine and use. And… And… Canada is not using our dependence on oil to suck money from us (and U.S.) so they can use US Dollars to finance the killing of US Citizens.
2) This project is truly shovel ready. There are warehouses full of pipe and equipment just waiting for a Presidential signature to start work. Yes by some estimates some 20,000 jobs could be created by his okaying this project.
3) With these jobs and ensuing sub contracts thousands, millions even billions of dollars of revenue and taxes could be poured into our economy.
But no, this president is using this opportunity to placate the conservation block of the Democratic Party during this election year. Reports also suggest the unions are ok with this and are being paid off for their support by appointments to the NLRB. Also he is using these appointments to get money and support for the upcoming election. Isn’t presidential elections wonderful. A man of principle who is a leader would be quite a change in the white house.
Oh, did I mention the Canadian oil company is now considering piping the oil to the coast and selling it to China? Yes our friends the Chinese. You know the country that is buying up our debt. A person would think Obama is doing this on purpose so rub the backs of the Chinese. Or maybe there was a phone call in the night? After all the Chinese are growing fast and need all the oil they can get.
So the upshot is that we are still going to be dependent on oil shipped from countries that hate us and use our own money to try and kill us. Gas prices are projected to go over $4 a gallon this summer. Americans are still out of work. The country is still racking up debt.
While this pipeline would not be flowing by then the hope of this project would have helped hold off the speculators who do effect gas prices. The same speculators who go crazy every time some rat faced dictator from some podunk country who is only listen to because they have oil.
And finely to all those who keep saying drilling and pumping now will not help us now. That it will take years to get new oil flowing into the system. I say WE CAN DO IT IF WE HAD LEADERSHIP!
If we would have had leadership in the 70’s during the oil embargo we would not be in such a state now. If we had leadership anytime since we wouldn’t be here now. If we had started drilling and pumping then we could tell all those in the sand box to “pound sand” now.
A true leader would have put to the American people the need for energy independence is on par as our quest for the Moon. Yes put it that way to put it to the people. “As we came together as a nation to put a man on the Moon. We will strive to be independent of foreign oil by the end of the decade”. A true leader would look beyond the next election. A true leader would put the good of the people before his own election, his own party. A leader would point out every barrel of oil we buy from countries who wish us harm is aiding and abetting our own demise. Yes a leader would lead by example. Stay in the white house instead of vacationing all over.
I’m just saying…….
The Keystone pipeline was to transport oil from our friends and neighbors to the north (aka Canada) to the oil refineries in Texas along the Gulf. The EPA has signed off on it. The Interior Department said it was ok. The president? He said he would put off any decision until 2013. In other words he was going to wait until after the election. I guess it was too much to expect leadership from someone who voted “present” in every vote while he was in the Illinois Senate.
So this leader of the free world ignored the following.
1) Canada was willing to ship us oil to refine and use. And… And… Canada is not using our dependence on oil to suck money from us (and U.S.) so they can use US Dollars to finance the killing of US Citizens.
2) This project is truly shovel ready. There are warehouses full of pipe and equipment just waiting for a Presidential signature to start work. Yes by some estimates some 20,000 jobs could be created by his okaying this project.
3) With these jobs and ensuing sub contracts thousands, millions even billions of dollars of revenue and taxes could be poured into our economy.
But no, this president is using this opportunity to placate the conservation block of the Democratic Party during this election year. Reports also suggest the unions are ok with this and are being paid off for their support by appointments to the NLRB. Also he is using these appointments to get money and support for the upcoming election. Isn’t presidential elections wonderful. A man of principle who is a leader would be quite a change in the white house.
Oh, did I mention the Canadian oil company is now considering piping the oil to the coast and selling it to China? Yes our friends the Chinese. You know the country that is buying up our debt. A person would think Obama is doing this on purpose so rub the backs of the Chinese. Or maybe there was a phone call in the night? After all the Chinese are growing fast and need all the oil they can get.
So the upshot is that we are still going to be dependent on oil shipped from countries that hate us and use our own money to try and kill us. Gas prices are projected to go over $4 a gallon this summer. Americans are still out of work. The country is still racking up debt.
While this pipeline would not be flowing by then the hope of this project would have helped hold off the speculators who do effect gas prices. The same speculators who go crazy every time some rat faced dictator from some podunk country who is only listen to because they have oil.
And finely to all those who keep saying drilling and pumping now will not help us now. That it will take years to get new oil flowing into the system. I say WE CAN DO IT IF WE HAD LEADERSHIP!
If we would have had leadership in the 70’s during the oil embargo we would not be in such a state now. If we had leadership anytime since we wouldn’t be here now. If we had started drilling and pumping then we could tell all those in the sand box to “pound sand” now.
A true leader would have put to the American people the need for energy independence is on par as our quest for the Moon. Yes put it that way to put it to the people. “As we came together as a nation to put a man on the Moon. We will strive to be independent of foreign oil by the end of the decade”. A true leader would look beyond the next election. A true leader would put the good of the people before his own election, his own party. A leader would point out every barrel of oil we buy from countries who wish us harm is aiding and abetting our own demise. Yes a leader would lead by example. Stay in the white house instead of vacationing all over.
I’m just saying…….
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Political Principles
The political season is well underway and crazy seems to be the norm. Recently a politician from Massachusetts made a typical statement a politician would make. In effect he said, and I paraphrase, vote for someone who can beat Obama not someone who you agree with or someone you like or someone who stands on true constitutional, conservative principles. No the criteria for voting for someone is “can he win“. At this politician’s suggestion we should vote for Mitt Romney because he can win. Regardless of his positions on a number of subjects. Regardless of the fact Romney is not the most conservative of the candidates. I maintain that we are in this position today because “we the people” have voted for the man who we think can win regardless of his beliefs. Remember the criteria is constitutional and conservative. So who in the past meets that criteria. Ragan 40, yes. Bush 41, no (republican in name only -rino). Clinton 42, no. Bush 43, no (rino). McCann, no (rino). Obama 44, hell no. Romney, no (rino).
So what can we conclude from this? Settling for someone is many times as bad if not worse than loosing the election. I maintain that the constitutional crises in this country has reached the point that we MUST vote for our principles first and foremost. If we settle for the most likely to win things will not change. Government will continue to grow. Government will continue to infringe upon our rights as outlined in the constitution. Government will take over more of our lives, telling us what to do, when to do, and how to do everything. No more individual freedoms. Taxes will go up. The borders will not be secured. Illegal aliens will be rewarded for breaking of our laws by receiving amnesty. Our way of life will continue to decrease. Our military will decline. Our security will be in jeopardy.
If we vote our constitutional and conservative principles and win then we truly win. If we vote our principles and loose, we still win if the republican in name only looses. This is the only way to make the established politicians set up and take notice. Remember when McCann lost in 2008 we got Obama. The Tea Party arose and political change swept the 2010 election. The political elite are now harping about how we need to forget about our principles. Forget the Tea Party principles. Can’t we just get along? They fear us. They fear we’ll stick to our guns. They fear loosing their power. These politicians don’t care who is in the White House as long as it is one of them. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. They content themselves with playing a game of political music chairs. One time Democrats are in power. The next the Republicans. Two party political process equals one party domination.
Power and money is the only thing career politicians understand. If we stick to our guns they loose that power and money. We force them to move in our direction to get the votes to maintain their power. They will try to scare us into voting for them by raising the specter of Obama winning. What good does it do if we win an election but loose our political souls?
Think on it. Who is the most conservative and constitutional candidate? Do the research. Vote for the best. Yes even if there is not an “R” after his name. Write down your guiding principles. Here are some of mine:
1) The Constitution is absolute. This includes the right to free speech. The right to practice your peaceful religion. The right to keep and carry arms. States rights. Security in your person, papers and property.
2) Maintain the borders. No amnesty for illegal’s.
3) Strong Military. Fewer soldiers overseas.
4) The right to life.
5) Smaller, less intrusive Government.
6) Less reliance on foreign energy sources.
7) Fewer/lower taxes.
8) Foreign aid reduced to near zero.
9) End the rule of career politicians. The President has term limits. Lets have them for the House and Senate too.
So what can we conclude from this? Settling for someone is many times as bad if not worse than loosing the election. I maintain that the constitutional crises in this country has reached the point that we MUST vote for our principles first and foremost. If we settle for the most likely to win things will not change. Government will continue to grow. Government will continue to infringe upon our rights as outlined in the constitution. Government will take over more of our lives, telling us what to do, when to do, and how to do everything. No more individual freedoms. Taxes will go up. The borders will not be secured. Illegal aliens will be rewarded for breaking of our laws by receiving amnesty. Our way of life will continue to decrease. Our military will decline. Our security will be in jeopardy.
If we vote our constitutional and conservative principles and win then we truly win. If we vote our principles and loose, we still win if the republican in name only looses. This is the only way to make the established politicians set up and take notice. Remember when McCann lost in 2008 we got Obama. The Tea Party arose and political change swept the 2010 election. The political elite are now harping about how we need to forget about our principles. Forget the Tea Party principles. Can’t we just get along? They fear us. They fear we’ll stick to our guns. They fear loosing their power. These politicians don’t care who is in the White House as long as it is one of them. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. They content themselves with playing a game of political music chairs. One time Democrats are in power. The next the Republicans. Two party political process equals one party domination.
Power and money is the only thing career politicians understand. If we stick to our guns they loose that power and money. We force them to move in our direction to get the votes to maintain their power. They will try to scare us into voting for them by raising the specter of Obama winning. What good does it do if we win an election but loose our political souls?
Think on it. Who is the most conservative and constitutional candidate? Do the research. Vote for the best. Yes even if there is not an “R” after his name. Write down your guiding principles. Here are some of mine:
1) The Constitution is absolute. This includes the right to free speech. The right to practice your peaceful religion. The right to keep and carry arms. States rights. Security in your person, papers and property.
2) Maintain the borders. No amnesty for illegal’s.
3) Strong Military. Fewer soldiers overseas.
4) The right to life.
5) Smaller, less intrusive Government.
6) Less reliance on foreign energy sources.
7) Fewer/lower taxes.
8) Foreign aid reduced to near zero.
9) End the rule of career politicians. The President has term limits. Lets have them for the House and Senate too.
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