Thursday, January 19, 2012

Keystone Pipeline

President Obama has done it again. The Keystone Pipeline has been canceled. Axed. Nixed. Well you get the idea. Why? “The Republicans made me do it”. Yup those evil Republicans put an arbitrary 60 day deadline on the president to make a decision on the pipeline. After all with the president focusing on so many things like a laser he didn’t have time to make an informed decision so he said, screw it I’ll just kill it.

The Keystone pipeline was to transport oil from our friends and neighbors to the north (aka Canada) to the oil refineries in Texas along the Gulf. The EPA has signed off on it. The Interior Department said it was ok. The president? He said he would put off any decision until 2013. In other words he was going to wait until after the election. I guess it was too much to expect leadership from someone who voted “present” in every vote while he was in the Illinois Senate.

So this leader of the free world ignored the following.

1) Canada was willing to ship us oil to refine and use. And… And… Canada is not using our dependence on oil to suck money from us (and U.S.) so they can use US Dollars to finance the killing of US Citizens.

2) This project is truly shovel ready. There are warehouses full of pipe and equipment just waiting for a Presidential signature to start work. Yes by some estimates some 20,000 jobs could be created by his okaying this project.

3) With these jobs and ensuing sub contracts thousands, millions even billions of dollars of revenue and taxes could be poured into our economy.

But no, this president is using this opportunity to placate the conservation block of the Democratic Party during this election year. Reports also suggest the unions are ok with this and are being paid off for their support by appointments to the NLRB. Also he is using these appointments to get money and support for the upcoming election. Isn’t presidential elections wonderful. A man of principle who is a leader would be quite a change in the white house.

Oh, did I mention the Canadian oil company is now considering piping the oil to the coast and selling it to China? Yes our friends the Chinese. You know the country that is buying up our debt. A person would think Obama is doing this on purpose so rub the backs of the Chinese. Or maybe there was a phone call in the night? After all the Chinese are growing fast and need all the oil they can get.

So the upshot is that we are still going to be dependent on oil shipped from countries that hate us and use our own money to try and kill us. Gas prices are projected to go over $4 a gallon this summer. Americans are still out of work. The country is still racking up debt.

While this pipeline would not be flowing by then the hope of this project would have helped hold off the speculators who do effect gas prices. The same speculators who go crazy every time some rat faced dictator from some podunk country who is only listen to because they have oil.

And finely to all those who keep saying drilling and pumping now will not help us now. That it will take years to get new oil flowing into the system. I say WE CAN DO IT IF WE HAD LEADERSHIP!

If we would have had leadership in the 70’s during the oil embargo we would not be in such a state now. If we had leadership anytime since we wouldn’t be here now. If we had started drilling and pumping then we could tell all those in the sand box to “pound sand” now.

A true leader would have put to the American people the need for energy independence is on par as our quest for the Moon. Yes put it that way to put it to the people. “As we came together as a nation to put a man on the Moon. We will strive to be independent of foreign oil by the end of the decade”. A true leader would look beyond the next election. A true leader would put the good of the people before his own election, his own party. A leader would point out every barrel of oil we buy from countries who wish us harm is aiding and abetting our own demise. Yes a leader would lead by example. Stay in the white house instead of vacationing all over.

I’m just saying…….

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