Sunday, January 15, 2012

Political Principles

The political season is well underway and crazy seems to be the norm. Recently a politician from Massachusetts made a typical statement a politician would make. In effect he said, and I paraphrase, vote for someone who can beat Obama not someone who you agree with or someone you like or someone who stands on true constitutional, conservative principles. No the criteria for voting for someone is “can he win“. At this politician’s suggestion we should vote for Mitt Romney because he can win. Regardless of his positions on a number of subjects. Regardless of the fact Romney is not the most conservative of the candidates. I maintain that we are in this position today because “we the people” have voted for the man who we think can win regardless of his beliefs. Remember the criteria is constitutional and conservative. So who in the past meets that criteria. Ragan 40, yes. Bush 41, no (republican in name only -rino). Clinton 42, no. Bush 43, no (rino). McCann, no (rino). Obama 44, hell no. Romney, no (rino).

So what can we conclude from this? Settling for someone is many times as bad if not worse than loosing the election. I maintain that the constitutional crises in this country has reached the point that we MUST vote for our principles first and foremost. If we settle for the most likely to win things will not change. Government will continue to grow. Government will continue to infringe upon our rights as outlined in the constitution. Government will take over more of our lives, telling us what to do, when to do, and how to do everything. No more individual freedoms. Taxes will go up. The borders will not be secured. Illegal aliens will be rewarded for breaking of our laws by receiving amnesty. Our way of life will continue to decrease. Our military will decline. Our security will be in jeopardy.

If we vote our constitutional and conservative principles and win then we truly win. If we vote our principles and loose, we still win if the republican in name only looses. This is the only way to make the established politicians set up and take notice. Remember when McCann lost in 2008 we got Obama. The Tea Party arose and political change swept the 2010 election. The political elite are now harping about how we need to forget about our principles. Forget the Tea Party principles. Can’t we just get along? They fear us. They fear we’ll stick to our guns. They fear loosing their power. These politicians don’t care who is in the White House as long as it is one of them. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. They content themselves with playing a game of political music chairs. One time Democrats are in power. The next the Republicans. Two party political process equals one party domination.

Power and money is the only thing career politicians understand. If we stick to our guns they loose that power and money. We force them to move in our direction to get the votes to maintain their power. They will try to scare us into voting for them by raising the specter of Obama winning. What good does it do if we win an election but loose our political souls?

Think on it. Who is the most conservative and constitutional candidate? Do the research. Vote for the best. Yes even if there is not an “R” after his name. Write down your guiding principles. Here are some of mine:

1) The Constitution is absolute. This includes the right to free speech. The right to practice your peaceful religion. The right to keep and carry arms. States rights. Security in your person, papers and property.

2) Maintain the borders. No amnesty for illegal’s.

3) Strong Military. Fewer soldiers overseas.

4) The right to life.

5) Smaller, less intrusive Government.

6) Less reliance on foreign energy sources.

7) Fewer/lower taxes.

8) Foreign aid reduced to near zero.

9) End the rule of career politicians. The President has term limits. Lets have them for the House and Senate too.

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