Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New HHS Mandate

HHS Mandates.

The Department of Health and Human Services has mandated that all religious insurance providers, health care providers and hospitals provide contraception, sterilization, “morning after abortion drugs” and abortion on demand. And has given the religious organizations one year to comply regardless of how these provisions violate religious beliefs. The biggest religious group affected is the Catholic charities and hospitals. They thought they were getting a waiver from this mandate for the Bishop’s support of ObamaCare last year. Silly, silly people. They thought Obama would keep his promise. Who do they think they are? A labor union or some business in Nancy Pelosi’s district? After all that’s where the majority of the 1500 plus ObamaCare waivers went to.

In response the Catholic Bishops put out a letter to be read in all churches last Sunday stating they will not comply with this HHS mandate and will fight it.
I stand with the Catholic Bishops.

One. This is a clear violation of their rights as put forth in the first amendment.

Two. I also feel this is a violation of the fourteenth amendment’s equal protection clause in respect to the rights of the unborn child.

Three. I feel this would be successfully argued against in the courts. Especially in light of the recent unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court that stated the government cannot mandate who religious organizations can hire if that hiring would violate the religious organizations beliefs.

Why would the Obama administration try to incite one quarter of the US population who are Catholic? Especially during an election year? What about the rest of us who for religious reasons oppose abortion on demand? I can only think of a few reasons why.

Reason one. Obama and his administration are arrogant and full of themselves. They believe they are the only ones who know what is best for us. After all he is the “anointed one” our very own “dear leader”. Obama’s advisor Valerie Jarrett said that Obama was so smart that he becomes bored quickly with the job of president.

Reason two. They hope the Roman Catholic Church in America will fight. Remember the IRS is in charge of overseeing compliance with ObamaCare. I see the administration revoking their tax exempt Statius so the government can then tax the Catholic Church’s income, property and assets. This would be a boon of millions if not billions of dollars to the government for them to spend as they see fit. They do love our money. This would also quash any resistance from other church bodies.

Reason three. The Catholic Church gets out of the business of health care and hospitals. Thus causing a collapse of our health care system. The Obama administration would then be forced “for the good of the people” to assume total control of health care in America. Think about it. The administration is already tying everything to health care. Be it gun ownership, smoking, obesity, salt intake, sugar in soda, car safety, children’s sport activities, &c. Therefore all can be regulated regardless of that pesky old “outdated” Constitution. They could have total control over our bodies and activities from cradle to grave.

Reason four. This is a miss direct action. A slight of hand to focus our attention here while they slip something past us with the other hand. I don’t know yet what that would be but with these guys you never know.

Reason five. This could be yet another attack on religion in America. Obama’s spiritual advisor during his campaign has resonantly come out praising the decline of the Jewish/Christian religion in America and the rise of a new secular religion. A religion of the government. If this is true then this is a game changer. Our Rights come from God not man. But if we get rid of God in our nation then where do our Rights come from. The government. Obama during the last campaign talked about how the Constitution was a document of negative liberties. He wants to rewrite the Constitution to his own standards of rights and liberties. How many times has our Constitution been rewritten? Zero! A few Amendments that’s it. How many times has the constitution in other countries been rewritten? Several times for each country. Why? In part because they believe their rights come from the government. Governments change therefore rights change.

Couple all this with the report from two bioethicists, one from Duke University the other from the National Institute of Health. Their report asked the question “what makes killing wrong?” Their conclusion was: if a person had no abilities left to them, then it would be ok to kill that person and harvest their organs so others may live. Why wait for them to die. They also believed that killing humans for these reasons was no different than weeding a garden. This sort of weeding out happen in the 1930s to the old and infirm, “the retarded”, Jews and Gypsies in a little country you might of heard of, Germany. This was also advocated by our own leaders 30 years before the Nazis. Isn’t history wonderful.

Lets recap:
Advisors to Obama want to replace God and religion with a religion of the government.

The administration is attacking religion and religious health care providers to provide abortions &c.

A report from two prestigious sources, Duke University and the National Institute of Health putting forth the idea of killing people for organ harvest. A report that may end up being cited in future court cases.

Does anyone remember a certain state senator from Illinois named Obama? While in the Illinois state senate he fought for, FOUGHT FOR, the ability to deny health care for a child who had survived an abortion attempt. A child who despite efforts to kill it in the womb was born alive anyway. State senator Obama fought to deny care to the child who was alive and living separate (outside of) from it’s mother. Obama would have allow a child to die from neglect. This is the man in the White House. This is our President of the United States.

We must stand with the Catholics and fight for God and our Rights. Who is with me?

What if they passed an unjust law and we all just said NO.

1 comment:

  1. Me. On a positive note, the Komen foundation announced they won't be giving money to Planned Parenthood now.
