Saturday, December 15, 2012

Connecticut School Shooting

On December 14th, 2012 a tragic shooting took place at a school in Connecticut. Much blame will be assigned to the guns used. But there is only one place to put the blame.


Yes the shooter. An EVIL COWARD who went to a place he knew would be defenseless against his cowardly actions. Yes, he brought a gun to a “Gun Free” zone. Therefore ensuring there would be no resistance to his EVIL intent.

The poor children’s bodies were still lying bleeding on the floor when the politicians were elbowing for mic time to call for more gun control. Yet we have gun laws on the books now that should have stopped this act.

It’s against the law to murder your mother.

It’s against the law to bring a gun onto school property.

It’s against the law to bring a gun into a school building.

It’s against the law to shoot out a window in a school to gain access to the building.

It’s against the law to murder children and teachers in school.

There are stricter punishments on the law books for anyone convicted of committing a crime with a gun.

All the facts are not in as of this writing so a complete list of laws broken may include more.

Did any of these laws prevent EVIL COWARD from committing this heinous act. No! Evil people will do evil things regardless of the Law! What, you say laws don’t make us safer? No they don’t. Only law abiding moral people follow laws. As the saying goes “locks only keep honest people honest“. Enacting more laws won’t make us more safer. What can we do to stop this from happening again? Sadly not much if anything. If all guns are outlawed then only the outlaws will have guns. Sounds like an NRA slogan doesn’t it? It’s a true statement. According to CNN there were 310 million nonmilitary firearms in the U.S. as of 2009. In 2011 47% of Americans polled told Gallup they had at least one gun in their home. Wow those are big numbers. If guns are to blame how come 47% of Americans aren’t murderers? To use the same argument concerning the 12-20 million illegal aliens in the US. How do you deport them all? If we outlaw guns how do you collect 310 millions firearms? The numbers are truly daunting. Do you truly think all legal gun owners will turn in their guns? You’re dreaming if you do.

But lets just say they do. How have the strict gun control laws worked in Chicago? How about Washington D.C.? They both have very, very strict gun laws yet hundreds of people die each year by gun violence in those cities. Will the gang bangers and evil doers turn in their guns? I don’t even have to answer that question do I. I do know they would vote for gun control because they would know if they kicked in a door to your house there would be no firearm to stop them at the door. Maybe a ball bat or golf club. But if you remember the scene from “Indiana Jones” what did Indy do when confronted by a sword wilding bad guy in the market? He just stood off and shot him dead. That’s you trying to stop an evil doer when he has a gun. Remember the first rule of a gun fight, bring a gun.

What guns were used in the Oklahoma City bombing? How about those flights on 9/11?

In 1927 a school board treasurer in Bath, Michigan got mad at the school about his taxes going up. Over a period of time he hid dynamite and other explosives in the school. On May 18th he beat his wife to death then set fire to his house. While firefighters were fighting that fire he set off the dynamite at the school. As rescuers were at the school he drove up in his explosive laden car and set it off too. Searchers later found 500 pounds of dynamite and other explosives in the school basement that failed to go off. The death toll was 38 elementary school children, 2 teachers, 4 other adults plus the school superintendent.

Evil men will find ways to do evil deeds. All we can do is prepare as best we can. Maybe allow more law abiding citizens to conceal carry. (I have a problem with that statement having the government allow us to exercise our constitutional right) Maybe have armed guards at schools. Maybe monitor people with mental health issues more closely. Although I would have to be careful with that one. With ObamaCare coming up and gun haters gearing up more people may be declared mentally dangerous just to restrict access to guns and get around that messy 2nd Amendment. Anyway don’t blame the gun.

Or the broken home. There are many people from broken homes who don’t murder.

Or mothers and fathers. There are many people who have a bad relationship with their mothers or fathers who don’t murder.

Or mental problems. There are many people with mental problems who don’t kill.

Do all these contribute to the EVIL COWARD’s last act? I suppose they could but we could find thousands of people just like him that don’t murder It is popular in our culture today to assign blame for evil deeds. Mothers, fathers, schools, churches, lack of God in our schools or lives, no money, too much money, blacks, whites, it’s all somebody’s else’s fault. Anybody remember the “Twinkie Defense”? But I ask and answer this way:

Why did he do this? He was an evil coward!

Who’s fault is it that this happened? The one who’s finger was on the trigger!

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