Saturday, December 15, 2012

Moral Decline, Part 1

This post may seem to run counter to the previous post I made about the Connecticut Shooting. There is no doubt that the EVIL COWARD is to blame. This post is my attempt to explain why there seem to be more and more evil cowards committing these heinous acts.

No society can long withstand the assault upon it’s morals as America has. That is the sad state we find ourselves in today and the list is long.

Number one on my list is abortions. A couple of numbers to remember when it comes to abortions. The first is 54,559,615. That is the number of babies aborted (cut from their mother’s wombs) from 1973-2011 in the US. The other number I want you to remember is 1.2 million (1,200,000). Every year since 1978 there have been in excess of 1.2 million abortions performed in the US. And finally a third number, 2%. That’s the number of abortions reported because of rape or incest in the US. These numbers are from the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life website found here: . These numbers closely match the numbers reported by Planned Parenthood.

Friday an evil coward forced himself into a grade school and murdered many, including 20+ children. It is all in the news now with new crews from all the networks parked in the little town reporting all the facts they can find. Even if they are the wrong facts. Yet! Yet, every day over 3,000 children, babies, are cut up in their mother’s womb and suctioned out. To be thrown away like so much garbage. There is not a single news camera to be found to cover this story. Remember the 2%? The number of abortions as a result of rape or incest? Rape and incest are terrible things to happen to women and girls. Yet this is the main argument trotted out whenever abortion is debated. Emotions run high with this argument and I can understand the strain upon a woman both physically and mentally. I can see the use of abortion in this case or in the case of the risk to the life of the mother. However most of the remaining 98% of the reasons for an abortion listed involve the following: cannot afford another child, don’t want a child, a child will interfere with the mother’s life style, the mother doesn’t want a lasting relationship with the father. How can the murder of innocents on this scale not affect the morals of a country?

As we can see from the abortion reasons above that America has devolved into a selfish nation. We look for instant gratification. We think of the ME and the NOW. Thus we move to the next item on our list.

The media. Wither it’s the news or movies. The music or TV. The media trots out assaults upon our morals time after time. Case in point, the news crews are swarming all over the little town in Connecticut with their cameras and reporters thrusting their microphones into everyone’s face. Just so they can be the First to get some tidbit of a story ahead of their competition. This is such a problem the state of Connecticut has assigned a trooper to each of the victims families. Not to protect them from evil doers but to protect them from the media. (Although I could possibly assign evil doers status to the media)

Movies show violence. Lots and lots of violence. Now don’t get me wrong I like movies that have a lot of bang bang boom boom. But should we be showing such graphic violence in movies that children and young adults watch? Then there is the hypocrisy of the actors who make these movies then decry the violence of the people. They decry gun violence yet make movies where they shoot thousands of rounds killing thousands of people. Maybe they should stop showing gun violence in movies just like they stopped showing people smoking. They won’t because that would cost them money.

How about the video games where the player is the shooter killing all around them. All this numbs the mind and the soul of the viewer and player. And I think that is the reason for the change in our media over the years. The numbing of the soul. The violence. The sex. The anti marriage messages. The anti religion messages. The anti Christian rants and hints. Name the number of TV show that have a happily married couple. How about the number of shows that have a single parent? The number of shows where the actors are sleeping with every one and every thing. How about the shows were the pastor or priest is some bumbling buffoon. Or some kind of amoral person. “The butler did it” has been replaced with “the preacher did it”.

I could go on and on but this is getting too long so I will end this as: Part 1

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