Monday, December 3, 2012

Who's money is it?

So much to say but this is a start.

When you work for an hour do you receive an hour’s pay? To whom does that money belong? Wither you are paid by the hour or by salary or commission your investment of time and labor is rewarded by an agreed upon monetary amount. Who’s money is it?

Let us suppose you saved your money over time and invested it into a business. One that you work long hours at growing and keeping afloat. You take some of the net profits as salary and re-invest the rest in your business to grow it. Is that money yours?

Remember the President saying during the campaign that “you didn’t build that”? Some say he was taken out of context but I happen to think it was one of his rare honest moments. I also think he is not alone in thinking that in Washington. Listen to the words that are used in the latest budget crisis. The one that really rubs me wrong is the idea that the rich aren’t paying their fair share. To phrase it another way the President likes to state that not raising taxes on the wealthiest one percent costs Washington billions of dollars a year.

Now we get to the crux of the matter. When you earn a dollar who’s dollar is it. Following the rhetoric of the President and other politicians it must be theirs because letting you keep more of that dollar COSTS THEM! Yes they think that letting the rich keep only two thirds of every dollar they earn is bad. They must pay their fair share. But what is a fair share? The President and his minions won’t answer that. They just keep repeating their mantra: pay fair share, pay fair share, pay fair share……

Sadly the American people have bought into this madness. Obama was re-elected. So let’s look into this more.

The top 1% of the wage earners pay 10% of the income taxes.

The top 10% of the wage earners pay 40% of the income taxes.

The top 53% of the wage earners pay 100% of the income taxes.

The bottom 47% pay no tax.

What’s a fair share? Who needs to pay more? Why does the government need more money? Why the answer is to spend it. There’s even talk of another stimulus bill next year and any spending cuts are to agreed upon later. But later never comes. It didn’t come under Regan when the Democrats promised cuts in exchange for raising taxes. It didn’t come under the first Bush when the Democrats promised cuts in exchange for raising taxes. Why should a promise from Democrats to cut spending be believed now?

So now we are at the philosophical fork in the road. The sign asks the question: “Whose money is it?”. The right fork is marked “Yours”. The left fork is marked “The Governments”.

Yours” means you work for yourself and the government takes a little bit of each dollar you earn to contribute to the benefits of living in America, i.e.: roads, defense, the common good, etc. “Yours” also means you are the master of your life in as far as it doesn’t interfere with your neighbors life. It also means you are to prepare for life’s ups and downs. You should be as self reliant as you can be. If you need help you can get it from friend, family, church. The government will also give you temporary help in time of need.

The Governments” means you work and the government leaves you less and less of each dollar you earn. The government knows better how to spend the dollars you earn. You are not the master of you life. The government will take care of you. There’s no need to be self reliant. Washington is now your father and mother. Let them guide you through life.

Which philosophy would allow you your freedom for “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”?


My answer to the question “Who’s money is it?” is MINE.

My answer to the question “What is fair?” is this…


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