Friday, January 15, 2010

America Lost?

You sit around and feel somethings not right. You feel the world is slipping through your fingers. You're right. America as we know it is coming to an end. The Democrats are locked behind closed doors dividing our lives like Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill did eastern Europe when they meet in Malta. An Iron Curtain of health care is about to fall and "We the People" will be walled in place. Locked behind this barrier we can only get fleeting glimpse of freedom, of better times past.

The President has broken many of his promises from the campaign. He promised to air the health care reform in public sessions on C-SPAN. When he and the Democratic leaders in congress saw the American people were not in favor and were very outspoken in their opposition they moved the sessions behind closed doors. Why?

"He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures."

The Democrats are in a rush. The senate race in Massachusetts is getting close and the Republican candidate is inching ahead of the Democrat. The horror of loosing "Kennedy's" seat is too much to bear. Couple that with the real possibility that if the Republican wins the Democrats in the Senate will loose their 60Th vote that allows them to pass anything they want. If they loose the seat the Republicans can block legislation with a filibuster among other procedures.

So whats happening in the race? The Democratic Candide states in a debate she believes there are no terrorists in Afghanistan. When a reporter catches up with her on the side walk afterwords and asks her if she stands by her statement she looks around and says "next question". That must be the "code word" because the reporter is then knocked down by one of her goons. This thug then helps the man up. The cameras are rolling after all, and asks to see his press credentials. While watching the video I see this goon continually obstruct the reporters path while the candidate makes her escape. Ah democracy in action.

Now the other shoe. If the Republican wins in Massachusetts the Dem's may seek to delay his certification and swearing in as the new senator for some time, maybe a month or more. This political conniving would preserve the Democratic majority in the Senate until the finial health care vote is taken. The will of the people will be ignored once again.

"He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected:....."

And finally, since I am writing all these quotes, there are the Czars. I'll write more on them another time but let me write this last quote.

"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance."

The above quotes are from our Declaration of Independence. The similarities are beginning to pile up. The super majority of the Democrats in the House, Senate and White House has caused their leadership to become drunk with power. They don't even try to hide their ambitions. Speaker of the House Polosi laughed into the camera when asked about Obama's promise to hold public hearings on the Health Care Bill. She laughed and said "I'm sure a lot of things were promised on the campaign trail". What gaul! Her disdain for the American People was apparent. She in effect told us, "you don't expect us to keep our promises". Her laugh was a laugh of contempt saying "you are dumb if you believe a promise made in a campaign".

I was raised to believe a promise is a promise. If it is broken there were consequences. The time is running out if we are going to change the direction of this country. We need to put fear into their hearts. We the People need to strike down those who try to rule us and replace them with servants of the people who represent us.

Twenty-ten is our cry!
Throw them out, do or die!

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