Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just in case you don't hear from me anymore, goodbye. The weathermen are predicting another "end of the world" event tomorrow. Snow deep enough to shovel! Freezing rain and sleet! Kiss your children goodbye! Since we moved to Springfield, Missouri every storm that comes by is really played up. Maybe it will be a bad storm, maybe not. It just sounds like the boy who cried wolf all the time. I'll let you know if we survive.....

On a totally unrelated note. We had to take Mary to get another x-ray of her lungs today. That's two this week. The chemo is not working like it was and she is starting to get some fluid around her left lung again. The doctor needed a different view to see what needs to be done. While I was waiting for her there was a family of seven in the waiting room too. I know I am in the Ozarks and all but you can buy teeth here too. With the exception of the daughter there was not a full set of teeth among the rest. An they were fighting over the last stick of gum! Oh well.

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