Saturday, January 9, 2010


I love to read. I read anything and everything I can get my hands on. Books, magazines, newspapers, blogs, anything. One of the first books I remember reading is John F. Kennedy's PT109 in grade school. He was still alive when I read it. I was hooked. In Junior High I discovered Jules Verne. Mysterious Island was a turning point for me. The main character was an Union Officer who was an engineer. His collection of knowledge helped everyone survive and even prosper. Andrea Norton was next. She was a Syfy writer I enjoyed very much. Especially her Starman's Son. Later I discovered Tolkien and Clancy. I've already talked about Thoreau. Then there is Ellis Peters and her Brother Cadfael's seires. Of course I read Louis Lamour and Aurthur Conan Doyle. I could go on. But wait there's more. In my library you will find books about camping, Military, living off the land, religion (not just Christian books), etc.

One of the best books I have read lately is "The Black Arrow" by Vin Suprynowicz. It takes place in the not to distant future in an America that has gone all wrong. No freedom, no justice, no order just laws and corrupt politicians and goon squads that are more apt to rape than do anything else. Out of this mix comes our hero The Black Arrow. A man who evens the odds with his bow because the people have been disarmed and terrorized by their government. I could not put this book down! The only thing I didn't like about it was it was not mine and I had to return it to the library. I first heard about the book reading Claire Wolfe articles on the Outlaw Life. It seems the older I get the more I want government to get out of my life.

You can read more of Claire Wolfe's article online at the Backwoods Home Magazine web site. You can read Vin Suprynowicz website at

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