Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Tea Party insults

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) called Candidate Brown a "... far-right tea-bagger Republican". When the tea party movement started and the left started calling us tea-baggers I had to look the term up. I wish I didn't know now. Sometimes one can have too much imformation. But lets go back in time. It's 1998 and Chucky Schumer is running for senator for the first time. His opponent calls him a putz-head. Chucky hits the ceiling. Why he rants and raves all the way through the campaign about it. Putz apparently means penis in Yiddish. Who knew? So I guess that means he was called a "Richard cranium".

This goes to show you the double standard here. Don't call the Democrats names or they will get mad. But, and this is a big butt, they can call anyone anything they want. Schumer can call Brown a "tea-bagger". Reid can call Obama a "light skin Negro who doesn't talk with a Negro dialect". Reid says sorry mister President and Barack says no problem. Senator Lott had to quite at leader of the Senate and resign as senator when he praised 90 year old Strom Therman at his birthday party by saying things would have been different if Strom had been president years ago. Apparently Strom liked to keep the races separate back then. But Lott wasn't necessarily talking about Stroms racist tendencies. It didn't matter to the Dems and their lap dogs the media. Compare that to Reids treatment by the media. Nothing, Nada. Yeah he shouldn't have said it but he's a good guy who just miss spake. Can't we all just get along.

Back to little Chucky Schumer. I would love him to call someone at a tea party rally a "tea-bagger" to his face. He'd be spitting teeth for a week.

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