Friday, January 22, 2010

Odds and Ends

"I decided not to talk today,
so I put my hands in my pockets" me

I have had quite the cold the past week so I have not felt like posting or thinking or writing or... well you get the idea. But I'm back. I was thinking about what to write tonight at work as I watched the fog roll in. I went from seeing the city lights in the distance to not seeing anything beyond a quarter mile away. I thought my world was shrinking. It was and it is. I mean how far can someone really see out of the circle of one's life? With the Internet and cable and cell phones etc you can be in contact all over the world but just how far is your, or my, influence? Really just a handful of people listen to me. I'm not sure any of them are really listening. I sometimes think I am just background noise. If I jump up and down like a little kid and scream "Listen to ME!" then pull the camera back. You now see other people jumping up and down shouting "Listen to ME!" Pull the camera further back and the whole world is jumping up and down shouting and screaming "Listen to ME!" Everyone wants to be heard and we're all shouting at once. But thanks for taking the time to visit here and listening to me.

Now to political stuff. Wow! Tuesday's election of Scott Brown as Senator in Massachusetts was big. Just last week the Democratic super majority in the House and Senate was goose stepping down the road to Government domination trampling the will of the people into the mud. Now it's like a slum apartment in Congress. Someone turned on the lights and the cock-roaches are scattering. Most of the Democrats are lining up at the mics to explain maybe we should slow down on health care. Yeah it's Obama's fault too because he was pushing too hard. It's funny to watch. Everyone of them were licking the shoes of Obama, Palosi, and Reid just a few days ago. Now it's CYA on steroids. The goosestepping in lockstep juggernaut is now in chaos, milling around like they're in a Woody Allen movie or something. Chaos is good for us. If Congress can't get their act together they can't be bothering us. Enjoy it why we can.

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