Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Little Whore House in Washington

The recent Christmas decorations in Washington DC were stunning in their red and green. Yes the Senator's offices were festoon with red lights. Red lights over each of the Democratic Senators offices glowing bright announcing they were open for business. Then came the green. Harry Reid dancing through the halls. Throwing money into the air. Laughing while his fellow Democrats dive for riches.

If you live in Nebraska, Louisiana or Connecticut rejoice. You have the best Senators money can buy. If you live in one of the other 54 states, don't get cocky. Your, and my, Senators are prostitutes too. Just not as high priced.

So what's got all this green flowing? Why the health care bill. The Dem's needed 60 votes to pass it in the senate. The senators quickly learned to drag their feet to get sweetheart deals for their states. The senator from Louisiana got 300 million dollars in aid for her state just for a yes vote. The senator from Nebraska got a deal that would prevent Nebraskans from having to pay for any increase in Medicare benefits FOREVER! Yes Nebraskans will never have to pay one cent more than they are paying today for Medicare. Now I wonder where the money to pay for increases in their state will come from? Let me think for a moment. O, yea, from us. We do. Everyone else in the country has to anty up but them! Can you feel the love?

All this jockeying to pass a bill. Must be an important bill. Must be worth it. Who knows? Many of the senators admit they haven't read it. It's too long at over 2000 pages. 2000 pages written behind closed doors by a handful of senators. Facts are trickling out as more people get to read it. Penalties for not having health insurance including fines and jail time if the fines are not paid. Language that's states to the effect certain provisions of the bill are unrepealable. That's unconstitutional! Congress has the right to write laws and Levy taxes as stated in the Constitution. If you make a bill unrepealable you bind the hands of future congresses. You prevent them from exercising their duties according to the Constitution. The very same Constitution all the senators swore to up hold!

Then all the language forcing us to buy private health insurance. Charging us fees, taxes and fines. If this bill becomes law Congress and Obama will bind us into slavery by owning our bodies. Dictating to us what medical care we can receive by getting between us and our doctors. It's also taxation without representation. Our taxes are taken from us and sent to Nebraska for the express purpose of buying Senator Nelson's vote.

Have they no shame? In fact every time one of these senators stand up to speak they should be shouted down with a chant of "shame on you, shame on you". O for a man or woman who would stand up and say "this is wrong, I cannot vote yes to this bill because of the constitutional principles established by our Founding Fathers". "Here I stand, I can do no other"!

Wait, Oh yea! They did stand by their principles! Money is their principle and Power their drink. As long as they have that they don't need us. They sure as heck don't listen to us. The Senate email servers crashed. Their voice mail filled up. They didn't answer their phones. Their phone system went down. All due to the volume of citizens calling in to say, VOTE NO! How long must we put up with this.

My muskets in it's scabbard,
strapped to the plow.
Primed and ready to go,
at the shout of "Now".
Remember Concord Bridge,
remember Lexington Town.
When we meet with courage resolute,
to bring this tyranny down.

Let me leave you with these two quotes.

"No man's life, liberty or property is safe while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

"Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have." Barry Goldwater

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Bomber

Our government would like you to think the Muslim Terrorists are the poor and down trodden. That they are driven to extremes by their desperate existence. The truth is, once again, different. The Muslim terrorists are mostly from the wealthy and privileged in their country. The Christmas bomber is the son of a wealthy banker, college educated and was living in an expensive up scale apartment in London. So why does our government perpetuate this lie? Because it fits their Bad U.S. mentality. According to those who run our government we as a nation are to blame for all that's bad in the world. There were those in the days after 9/11 rushing to a mic or camera to state that very thing. It was our fault we were attacked! We caused Muslim Terrorists. We caused global warming. We caused the world wide financial meltdown. Our greed has caused it all. We're evil and must be stopped. Why do you think every speech President Obama gave overseas this year began with "We're Sorry". He was like Patsy Kline singing "I'm sorry, so sorry" over and over and over again. Our President, like most in Washington, suffer from the same problem the Muslim terrorists suffer from. Elitism! They think they know better than us, what is good for us. The terrorists use bombs, the Washington elite use laws and backroom dealings. The end result is the same for the survivors. Oppression and slavery!

To a man they both have not had to face the real world. They have not had to get their hands dirty. To work two or three jobs to pay the bills. No! Mommy and daddy paid for everything, pampering their little boys. Then they send them off to college to get a little education. Now that they have read a book and listened to some silver tongue professor or, in the terrorists case, an imam they think they know what is best for us all. Someone tickles their ears with sweet nothings and BOOM! They build a bomb and blow something up. All for a good cause. All for our own good.

So lets get back to this dummy on the Christmas plane. We have some rich kid who starts listening to some radical imam. The same imam who counseled the army major at Ft. Hood by the way. Then he gets a little training and there you have it. A Muslim version of a crotch rocket! Fortunately PETN is tricky stuff to make and it didn't explode, it just burned real good. We can just hope it burned hot enough to prevent the Crotch Rocketeer from procreating. Then the only word we get form our government for days is Secretary Napolitano of Homeland Security talking about how the system worked. Hello!!! If the system had worked the Crotch Rocketeer would not have been on the plane in the first place. His own dad had warned the US Embassy two months ago about him. He was prevented from entering England once before. He was on a terrorist watch list! How did someone on a terrorist watch list get a visa to come into this country in the first place. That should be automatic, on a watch list, no visa! Then the President's Press Secretary goes on TV and states "well there are 500,000 on the list, we can't watch them all". They can't detect these people getting on a plane, who are on a list, when you have to give all kinds of information including fart samples to board? This dummy didn't have a passport. No checked luggage. Bought a one way ticket. Paid in cash. And was on a terrorist watch list. Yes sir, right this way sir. How about a nice seat over the wing next to the fuel tanks sir!

As a point of reference. The Shoe Bomber had 50 grams of PETN in his shoe that fortunately didn't go off. The Feds tested what kind of explosion and damage this would have caused. It blew a nice big hole in the side of the plane. By comparison the Crotch Rocketeer had 80 grams and was setting over the wing which also houses the fuel tanks. More grams equal bigger bang. Go and get 32 new pennies. That equals 80 grams of PETN. Hundreds of people could have died on Christmas day if it had worked.

Getting back to the 500,000 on the watch list. If the government can't keep track to these people how are they going to track the medical records of 300 million Americans?

Our government is not doing it's job. It doesn't matter if you are in your living room or an airplane. You are on your own.


This Public Service Announcement just in.....

A man caused disaster almost occurred last Christmas on an airplane bound for Detroit, Michigan. A person whose gender, race, nationality or religion cannot be disclosed due to FCC diversity regulations tried to explode a bomb hidden in their underwear. Another passenger on the plane leaped over two rows of seats to restrain the aforementioned alleged perpetrator of an attempted man caused disaster and secured the person until taken into custody by Federal agents when the plane landed. According to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano the system worked and said person should be considered as a disturbed individual acting on their own without any connection to any man caused disaster groups or any religion. The government had decided upon a severe tongue lashing as punishment until it was disclosed the person drove to the airport in an evil, tree killing, planet destroying SUV. The death penalty will now be sought.

Reports of the alleged bomber shouting out "Anyhoo Clarkbar" are unconfirmed.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


This will probably be my last post until after Christmas. I will be heading to central Illinois on Monday and will not have access to a computer until I return. I am struck by the simplicity of my statement. I'll throw some clothes in a bag, jump in the car and drive the almost 400 miles home. That's it, clothes, car, drive and in a few hours I'm there. How different travel is now. The speed at which we travel is so much faster. I'll be driving 65 miles per hour at times yet Thoreau marveled at 30 miles per hour. My wife's mom and aunt were visiting this past week and we were joking about walking home. We calculated it would take 18 days walking 20 miles a day to get back. I'm not sure I could walk 20 miles much less 20 a day for 18 days! I remember seeing a sign once that stated everywhere is within walking distance if we had the time. But who has the time?

Before my dad was born, BC that's Before Carl, his mom and dad and two oldest siblings decided to go on a trip to visit family out in the country. Neither family had a phone in their homes so they had to communicate and coordinate through written word. That's right, letters, you know snail mail! A letter was sent, "Hay why don't you come out and visit?" Another letter sent back, "Sure when would be a good time?" Back and forth the letters would go, train schedules consulted, until all the plans were made. Today the planning would take five minutes on the cell phone while we were rushing to the mall or something. Back then it probably took a couple of weeks for the letters to be carried back and forth in the mail. The day finally arrives. The family walks to the rail station, bags in hand. They had a station in most towns back then. At that time most people still didn't own cars. In fact my dad's parents never owned one. So there they are at the station. They board the train. Ride till they got to the nearest town to the family they were visiting. There to meet them was a horse drown wagon waiting at the station at the appointed time. Loading up their baggage they were propelled down the road at a one or two horse power pace over the finial miles. Back then the trip would take all day. Now it would take an hour to drive. Why, no time at all.

Time. We have become time travelers. We communicate instantly all over the world. We travel faster than sound. Even when we are driving at a puny 65 miles per hour we are warping past our world. When we see an Amish family plodding along in their horse buggy we think of them only as a curiosity. What must they think of us rushing around so. Never taking time, always trying to make time, but never saving time.

Can you see the moon? Marching across the sky cycling through ever changing phases every 28 days the moon is a time piece we ignore. Heavenly time revels our place in the universe. Yet in many places we cannot see the stars. We squander our time by chasing time itself. Slow down! Stop! Be still! Watch time by the fall of a leaf, the colors of the seasons, the flight of Geese. Mark time with each breath. Count time with each beat of your heart.

Hold time until that day,
when all of time fades away.
"In the beginning" started it then,
with an "Amen" it will end.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hypocrites in Washington

Hypocrites, we all are to one degree or another. But I hate hypocrites who flout their hypocrisy. Case in point. The Global warming summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. Prince Charles flies in from one of his castles in a private jet and tells us all to pay up to end the global warming and help the poor third world countries. Get your check book out bub. You pay first and then we'll see. Then there are all the hypocrites from Washington. Nancy Polsi takes three planes to the summit with congressmen to put their two cents in. What about the President? He's over there and every time he travels it takes six planes to move him and his peps! Hillary Clinton is there too! Not only did she fly over separately but she pledged our tax money to contribute to a 100 billion dollar a year fund to help the underdeveloped countries deal with global warming. I don't know about you but I am tired of Clinton and Obama giving away mine and your money every time they go overseas. Most of that money ends up in petty dictators hands anyway. And Bangladesh said it wasn't enough! Their leader said the fund should be half a trillion a year! Arhhhhhhh!!!!

Our leaders in Washington are looking more and more like the Soviet leaders of the 50's and 60's. While their people stood in line for bread they went to their private stores and got caviar. While their people lived in drab and dreary apartment complexes they would drive to their single family homes called Dachas in their Russian limos. As the Soviets of yesteryear lived so the Washington elite live. They have large salaries, expense accounts, access to private jets, send their kids to private schools. The Washington elite are acting like they are our lords and we are their serfs! I honestly think I am in the Matrix and instead of providing power to the machines I have my money sucked out of me (by a hose inserted in a certain orifice) and sent to Washington. This money from all of us is then used to buy power and favors. To keep the Lords of Mordor in power.

To top it all off we have a growing number of people who are not elected having power over us. They are called Czars. Czar is a Russian word that is derived from the word Caesar meaning Emperor. These people are not approved by Congress. They're not elected. They're not beholden to anyone except the President! They look at any law on the books and pronounce rules and regulations enforcing said laws. These rules and regulations are then enforced by all the power the US Government can bring to bear.

This is all looking more and more like a George Orwell book. Read 1984 and see if you don't find direct parallels. Especially Newseak. Every bill Congress passes has a newspeak title. We don't have terrorist attacks we now have unplanned human events or some such crap. The administration won't call terrorists terrorists. I guess terrorists are just "Lost Boys" now. Read "Animal Farm" and see how that compares. Remember this quote "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others". That's not what America was founded on but it sure looks like Obama's AmeriKa.

Another good book to read is "The Black Arrow" by Vin Suprynowicz. Not to be confused with "The Black Arrow" by Robert Louis Stevenson. It takes place in the future but it is looking more and more like the present.

So all this leads to "Throw the Bums Out"! Our Bloodless Revolution of the ballot box must be used to change this debacle. I have voted in almost every election held since I turned 18 back in 1972. Join me on the next voting day. Call your Senator and Congressman. Call the President. Go to town hall meetings. Attend a tea party. I did.

Political Correctness, is it bad in a war?

Political Correctness, is it bad in a war?

A week ago a story appeared of five young men, in their early twenties, who disappeared from the Washington DC area. Their families were frantic with worry. Then they got a phone call from the young men. They were fine. They were in Pakistan and they were trying to get training to infidels. After all it was every Muslim’s duty to kill infidels. This worried the families even more and they started looking through their sons stuff. They found correspondence, videos the men had made and indications they had been involved with a radical Mosque. Then the truly surprising part of the story. The families called the FBI. Turned in their own family members. The boys were arrested in Pakistan and the FBI are talking to them. The question now comes, if these young men were radicalized in a mosque in the DC area, why wasn’t the FBI already on it. Is this a case of political correctness? Are we afraid of Muslims so much that we are scared to offend them? The balance a government maintains regarding religious freedom in this country sometimes errors on the wrong side. Does this put us in more danger? I say offend away. I would rather have some religion offended than have these men walk into a crowded mall on Christmas Eve with C4 strapped to their chest. I don’t care what religion they are. I would say the same thing if they were radical Lutherans breaking into a spontaneous chorus of “A Mighty Fortress” right before they blew themselves up with their 95 sticks of dynamite. But I duress. Let us look at case #2.

A major in the US Army is a Muslim. Nothing wrong so far. But he then starts talking all radical. Even makes public statements at a conference with his fellow soldiers. Red flags should of shot straight up! His business cards even stated SOA, standing for Soldier of Allah. You know the rest of the story. Fourteen people died. Wait, you say thirteen? One was pregnant. Fourteen. Another example of PC gone wrong?

The diversity education we are receiving in our schools, work place and military is making us afraid to say anything. Or maybe we are just getting numb, dumb and complacent. But let’s go to case #3.

The date: December 7, 1941. The place: Pearl Harbor. The Japanese pounded the crap out of our Pacific Fleet. The largest loss of life attack on US soil until 9/11. A lot of things happened after that but one thing was for curtain. We got pissed off! Right or wrong the Japanese were rounded up and put into internment camps. Before you start objecting, the Japanese attacked us. They had a different culture then with a different view of death. They had a fanatical worship of their Emperor and a sense of honor that inclined them to do what he told them to do. All this made the untrustworthy. They had to prove themselves. An prove themselves they did. If I remember my history correctly the Japanese-American Army unit in WWII was the most decorated unit in the war. I believe they had more Medal of Honor winners than any unit too. Perhaps our treatment of them was not PC but many if not most Americans who lived through that time would disagree. Now case #4.

My father told me the story many times, and though I believed him just a few years ago he found a book that was written that corroborated his story. The story took place even before he was born and passed down through generations. During WWI, around 1917 or so, the Lead Belt in Missouri was busy place. For decades people from around the world would come to this area to work in the lead mines or at Iron Mountain. That’s right a mountain made of iron. Among the people living and working in the area were a large group of immigrants from Hungry. The locals called them “Hungees”. Well Americans were joining up to go to Europe to fight the Germans. In a local bar some Hungees were asked if they were going to join up to defend their new country. Their reply was “no, we are going to stay behind and take care of your women”. Well that didn’t set well with a bunch of Missouri Boys. To make a long story short, the Hungees were rounded up and put on box cars and shipped out of the area. The Army was called up to put down the rebellion and get the miners back digging lead. Was this PC? Probly not.

These four examples show the problem with political correctness. Can we as a nation at war afford not to look closely at what Muslims in this country are doing? Can we afford to not look into radical clerics and radical mosques? Should Muslims prove themselves like the Japanese did? In the end I don’t know. But I do know we sure seem to bending over backwards not to hurt their feelings and not getting much in return.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Congressional Standards

The congressional district I live in will not have an incumbent running in 2010. Congressman Roy Blunt will be trying to claim the Senate seat being vacated by the retiring "Kit" Bond. So I am looking for some congressional standards from the potential candidates. So taking my own advice from "If I were President" I am thinking what I would do as the congressman from this district and comparing it to the actual candidates.

"Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for coming. Ladies and gentlemen, our government was set up by our founders as a Representative Republic. The People do not vote on every issue, they elect Representatives to go to Washington DC to speak for them. For too long "We the People" have had to endure Representatives who say whatever they need to to get elected and do what ever they need to to stay in office. Once in office they too often toe the party line at the expense of their people back home. We the People need a Representative From the People. I therefore am announcing my candidacy for the 7th district of the United States Congress. As a candidate From the People I am not beholden to any party. As a candidate From the People I feel I can represent you because I am one of you. I have been laid off. I have had too many bills to pay. I have had to work three jobs to get by. I have had to deal with private medical issues in my family. But you don't know me. You don't know how I will vote. So here is my pledge to you.

If I am elected and If my performance allows me the privilege of being re-elected I will not serve more than three terms. How can anyone say they are representing the people if they are not living the same lives? How can someone insulate themselves from the rest of the country by staying in Washington twenty or thirty years living on the government dole and know how We the People live? There should be no such thing as a "career politician". Six years in Gomorrah is enough.

I will vote NO on any bill I and my office have not had time to read. Non of us would buy a house or a car without knowing what's in the contract. So why should your Representatives rush a vote that will effect over 300 million Americans. You deserve better from the person you send to Washington to represent your interests.

I will vote NO on any bill that will raise your taxes. With two exceptions. One, unexpected defense of the country. Two, a true national disaster, not some trumped up political disaster. The American People are burdened with too many taxes and fees. Our ability to live our lives is starting to be affected by governments hand in our wallets.

I will vote NO on any bill that increases government spending unless the bill also includes an equal decrease in another area of government. We cannot continue to grow government. We don't need czars. We don't need more regulations. Everything the government does to grow itself increases the money it needs to sustain that growth. We cannot afford it. We do not need it.

I will also vote YES. Yes on reducing and simplifying taxes. I propose a flat tax rate and no deductions. At the end of the year you get a post card. You made X amount of money, you pay X amount of taxes. The complexities of the tax code are partly because of lawyers playing games to put in loop holes. A flat tax means everyone pays their share. Non more or non less.

I will vote YES on reducing the rules and regulations burdening our business. How can politicians who have been in Washington for thirty years tell you how best to run your business?

I will vote YES for people. I want clean air, I breathe the same air as you. I want clean water, I drink the same water as you. I want to save the animals and the birds and the flowers and the bees. But people come first!

I am seeking to be your Representative in Washington. As such I am not going there to see how much we can get from the piggy bank. In order for Washington to give out money for pork projects it first has to take money from us, We the People. The blessings of the government purse comes from the end of a barrel. I will therefore guard your tax money as best I can and do my best to limit government waste.

The job of the government is to promote the public welfare, to keep us safe. If I am granted the privilege of being elected your Representative I will keep my pledges to you with me at all times tucked in my copy of the Constitution. Both of which I will consult before every vote I make. In keeping my pledges I may at times vote no on a bill you support. But I will represent you best I can. That also means I will represent you best by hearing from you. Your job as voters does not end after your ballot is cast. Your job is also to keep your Congressman grounded in the values and will of the district. Your job will be to hold my feet to the fire of my pledge here today.

In years gone by two men would meet, discuss and agree. To seal their agreement they would shake hands. That was all that was needed, their word was their bond. I offer you my hand today. I ask you to accept it by voting for me. Thank you."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Global Warming and You

If you are reading this and breathing, you are killing the planet. The EPA has announced that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a Greenhouse gas. Yes the same CO2 you breath out 16 times a minute, 960 times a hour, 23,040 times a day is causing Global Warming. Which is causing the polar ice to melt. Polar bears are starving to death by the millions because they can't hunt for seals. Sob! If they are not starving they are drowning due to the retreat of the ice pack. Sniff, sniff! The oceans will rise. The children of Bangladesh will drown. Denver, Colorado will become ocean front property. All because you insist on your selfish, me centered breathing!!! I can see the four horsemen of the Apocalypse now! O, the humanity. Sob....

But wait! Let me think this out. Hey, we could use this. The next time my Doctor says "Mr. Watts you need to exercise more" I can say "no can do". Exercise will cause me to breath more. That would cause the ice to melt faster. That would hasten the end of the world as we know it. Or if your boss yells at you to work harder you can say "no can do" and quote the EPA ruling. Sorry boss, if I work harder I will increase my CO2 out put. Not only will I be killing Polar bears but the EPA would fine and tax the company for the excessive CO2 emissions.

Yes this will work. I can see the bumper sticker now, "Save the Planet, Become a couch Potato"!

Then there is the added benefit of silencing the Politicians. Imagine if you will someone from the EPA going up to Speaker Polosi and saying "I'm sorry Madam Speaker but you have exceeded your CO2 emissions for today" and promptly duck taping her mouth shut. I'm liking this. The EPA is my new best friend!

But wait there's more. The winter Olympic Games will be starting soon in Vancouver, Canada. We can't have all those athletes running around and exercising and spewing all that CO2 into the air. And so close to the Arctic too! Then you have the media there too, and we all know how they like to spew CO2. Why, that could be enough to tip us all over the brink!

But wait there is even more. The same week the EPA puts out this new ruling someone in Canada says there should be a Global One Child Policy. Coincidence? I don't think so. China has that policy now. They also have Mao. The administration likes people who like Mao. The administration likes Canadian Health Care. Hm mm...

All this is a light hearted attempt to make you think. If the goal of government is to control more and more of our lives wouldn't this be the way to do it? Increasing the rules and regulations of our lives. Our own bodies? Be they CO2 emissions. Or by removing the word "Navigable" from the EPA's and Army Corp of Engineers regulations so they control all waterways. Not just the navigable ones. Then who is to say which puddle, ditch, pond, etc is outside their control. Have no doubt about it, control is the goal.

How about health care. If the government gets in charge they have even more control over you and your body. The One Child Policy is not that far fetched. They won't force you to abort your child, yet. But they could make it financially difficult to afford more than one. What if the government run health care will only pay for one birth? What if they will pay but fine you. They do seem to love their fines.

Don't complain to your Congressman. He (or she) just pass these bills unread. They're too big to read after all. Once we have these programs the bureaucrats will take over. The Devil is in the regulations. O, did I mention we had a Regulatory Czar?

Welcome to Obama's AmeriKa. He should have had "This is the End" by the Doors as his campaign song. We're getting change alright.

"I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion."
Henry David Thoreau

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fading Away

I went to print out "The Sight" for my daughter. I knew the printer was getting low on ink but I didn't know how low. The document came out of the printer with the ink fading away till I couldn't hardly read it. It was a little weired how that worked out. It's like the printer knew what it was doing.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Borders

OK, so here is another post in the series. If I were President!

My Father is a law and order kind of guy. There are things you are to do and not do based on laws, rules and accepted norms. This is how he was taught, this is how I was taught. To this day I cannot cut across some one's yard. It just isn't done. Without guides and restrictions society would sink into chaos, families would become dysfunctional and man would disintegrate into anarchy.

Well my fellow Americans we are approaching chaos in our country. Our laws and rules are being broken. An invasion of illegal aliens have begun to tip us toward the brink. By some estimates we have 15 to 20 million illegals in this country. It may be more. This is a lot of people working outside the law. Not paying taxes. Not having health insurance. Not having car insurance. Stealing or buying stolen identities so the can receive the benefits of the American way of life without earning it. Illegals are involved in prostitution. Illegals are forced to work in sweat shops. Illegals are involved in illegal drug trade.

Illegals are snuck across our borders with the help of people called "coyotes" who force them into working in these criminal activities to pay off their crossing debt. This is Slavery! But some illegals came here through the front door. On visas. When their visas expired they just stayed here, illegally. Many of the 9/11 attackers were these kinds of illegals.

Some would say it is not their fault, they just wanted to share in the American Dream. They came here not to share but to TAKE! If they wanted to share in our dream then they should share in our love for the rule of law. Those who have stood in line to become Americans are slapped in the face every time illegals receive amnesty or are protected by cities and states that think the law doesn't apply to them.

Part of this crisis is our own making. We have forgotten what it is like to be a nation of laws. We have forgotten what the word NO means. Therefore...

The borders will be secured, north and south. The coasts secured, east and west.
The border patrol will be beefed up with additional manpower and equipment.
Where we can, barriers will be erected to restrict border access.
The National Guard will start spending their two week annual training on the borders or along our coasts. This training will be staggered to insure year around patrols.
Any new military basses will be built in border states to enable them to assist in patrolling the borders.
Our bases overseas will be evaluated with the goal of reducing our personnel and using them to man these new bases. If our allies can only send 7000 more troops to our 30,000 in the new surge in Afghanistan they should have plenty left for their own defence.

The benefit of this will be to reduce the illegal alien invasion and to reduce the illegal drugs entering our country. But it's not enough.

We have many laws already on our books to help us in this cause. I am directing the Department of Homeland Security to direct the FBI, ICE, Border Patrol, etc to enforce these laws. Whenever anyone is detained by law enforcement they will not be released until their immigration status is determined. If the are here illegally they are deported. Period. The deportation process will be streamed lined. Some say you can't round up and deport 20 million people. They're right. You get them one at a time. Or five, or one-hundred, or five-hundred. The point is no one is above the law and no one in government or law enforcement gets to choose which laws to follow and which to ignore.

But we realize the illegals are only part of the problem. To their credit most of them work. But they work as slave labor or at best under paid labor. They are not working at jobs Americans won't. They are working at jobs for wages Americans can't work for. They are exploited and are Slaves! Didn't we fight a war over this once? I seem to remember it some where. Hummmmm So...

The E-verify program will be fully funded and implemented so business and corporations can determine the status of potential and current employees.
Any company using illegal aliens will be fined $20,000 for EACH illegal working for them.
If the number of illegals working for a company exceeds five the CEO or owner of the company will receive one year in prison and a $5000 fine for each illegal over five, with the sentences to run consecutively.
Products produced by illegals will be seized and sold to help fund the program.

Since we don't know for sure how many illegals are in this country. Since we don't know exactly who they are. We can be sure there are those here who want to kill us and do away with our way of life. These measures are necessary for our protection from terrorists, drugs, crime and disease.

Thank you and good night.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Controlling the People

"To make a person mad is to control him. To make a group of persons mad is to control the group."

I wrote these words in my journal years ago. How true they are today. If I make you mad I can shortcircut your emotions and move you in the direction I want. For example Hitler got the German people mad at the Jews. It was the Jews fault for everything that was wrong with the country. No one had to look in the mirror for the problem.

We are in a perpetual state of mad. We are assaulted on all sides by groups wanting us mad at the other guy so we can be for them. If we are mad, we are blind. If we are mad we are ruled by the emotions of the mob. If we are mad at the other guy we won't look at the group we're in so close. Don't let the factions stir us up.
Today it's the evil banks that's the fault you can't get a loan. It doesn't matter you are up to your eye balls in debt. Besides they make too much, right? Or maybe it's the Democrats, or the Republicans. How about Big Oil? Big Government? Rich people? Remember everyone is rich when compared someone with less.

The point of today's post is to think. Think without the fog of emotion. Think within the boundaries of the law. Read the Constitution and compare that with what's going on in the country today. Where does it say government run health care is a right? Where does it say "you are too big to fail". Where does it say the government has the right to more and more of our hard earned money. Remember, the government cannot give anything away without taking it from someone else first.

Where in the Constitution are Czars mentioned? What is their constitutional authority for being? What is their constitutional authority for telling us what to do? Remember who the government is. The first line of the Constitution of the United States begins with "We the People of the United States,....". We are the government. You and I are in charge. It is time to remind those who think they are our Masters who's really in charge. So I propose a change. I propose we "throw da bums out" of Washington. Anyone in office now will not receive my vote. Anyone running for office will have to believe as I do and state that belief publicly. Political parties mean nothing to me anymore.

When I begin this post it started out about controlling the people. But now it's about controlling the government. It is time to remember what it is like to be "We the People" or we will become "We the Sheepeople".

The Rise of Rainbows

Hold high up high the standard,
Of the beating of your heart.
An’ remember not to change the world,
Just your little part.
Be true to you and stay the course,
Know that you’ll be happy.
To be a man who does what’s right,
And not be someone’s lackey.
You’re not one, you may be many,
At least we’re you and I.
An’ that’s enough to do some good,
To raise rainbows in the sky.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Sight

Almost 50 years ago when I was just a wee lad. O, about 4th grade or so. As I was walking home from school I heard someone shout "hey kid". When I turned around he threw something into my face. To this day I think what he had in his hand looked like a cigarette packet. What ever it was it caused my world to go black. It was gritty and stung my eyes and I had to keep them shut or the pain was too bad. Some one got me back to school and a teacher took me home. Mom got me to the doctor right away and he cleaned out my eyes. Boy was the doctor mad that someone would do this to anyone. He said it smelled like Cinnamon. The next day my eyes started to clear up and my sight returned with no ill effects. The whole episode made me think on being blind. I use to blindfold myself as a kid (whenever mom and dad were gone) and walk around the house. I think that's why I liked the comic book Daredevil so much. So I had an idea to write a story about an investigator who goes blind but his other senses kick in to the extent it borders on super powers. The story that follows is what came out. It's not what I started to write but my muse had other ideas. Perhaps it's my way of dealing with future grief. I can't read it. I can't write anymore of it. The tears won't let me.

Click clack, click clack. Click clack, click clack. The sound of the commuter train keeps cadence as it speeds along. Ed sat there at the window seat hearing the sound through the fog of his mind. The doctor’s visit did not go well. His cloudy vision was getting worse. But he already knew that. “Nothing more we can do, I’m sorry Ed” Sorry; sorry didn’t seam to help much at this time. What to do, what to do. I’m going blind, thought Ed, no help for me. “Sorry” The train continued, click, clack. Ed just sat there, head bowed, eyes half closed. “What to do” playing over and over in his mind while the storm continued to build. The others in the train compartment sat around him unaware of his pain, not feeling the white hot anger rise. His face grew warmer, his pulse quickened. His temples throbbed, his breathing grew shallower. I must regain control thought Ed and he forced his breathing to return to normal. Breathing in slowly through his nose, hold the breath for an eight count, breath out slowly through the mouth until all breath is gone. Over and over Ed breathed. Thinking only of the breath…..
The trip ended without Ed even knowing it. He suddenly realized the train had stopped and people were getting off when a fellow passenger bumped into his seat. Rising out of his stupor Ed disembarked, finding his way by memory as much as sight. He couldn’t see more than six feet away. The familiar sidewalk passed under his feet as he headed back to their apartment. Johnson’s fancy garbage cans. The Bates mailbox. Two dozen more paces and there he was. Ed put his hand on the rail and looked up the steps. They ended in a fog, the front door was too far away. He placed his foot on the step. Each step he took brought him closer to Jane. How can he tell her what the doctor said? The door came into focus through the fog. His hand is on the door knob. Inside Ed hangs his hat up and turns into the living room.
“Hi dad” came the familiar greeting.
“Hi Lucy, where’s your mother?”
Lucy came into view and hugged her father. “She’s in bed dad, she’s not doing very well”.
“Is she in pain?”
Ed entered the bedroom and approached the bed. When she came into view Ed knew it was bad this time. Jane lay there propped up with her pillows, her face flush. A gleaming of sweat on her brow.
“How are you doing, hon?” asked Ed.
“I’m ok” came the whispered reply. Always “ok” thought Ed. Just like her to not complain. Half the world is complaining about the littlest thing and there Jane is, laying in bed, can’t hardly move. Can’t breathe and in pain and she’s “ok”. Now Ed’s eyes are getting foggier than usual but it’s not his eye sight. Fighting back tears he hugs his wife and buries his face in her shoulder. Breathing in he takes in her fragrance thinking only of the moment.


Ed sits in the church listening to the sounds of the people coming in. These last three months have been a lifetime. Through it all Jane had always been “ok”. Through it all Jane faded from his sight. And now she’s gone. Moving his hand, Ed touches his daughter’s knee. “Take me to her one last time” he whispers. Taking her hand they get up and move to where Jane is laying. Reaching out his hand as if he could see Ed touches the face he will never see again. Tears are in the eyes of everyone there as the church goes quiet and watches a love that even death can not separate.
Through out the service Ed hears words of comfort from the Pastor. He hears the words of the hymns. Then he is on Lucy’s arm leaving the church. The ride to the cemetery is but a blur in his mind. The concentration to walk on the uneven ground snaps’ Ed back to the present. Then the final words. The tears and sympathy flow. The ride back to the church is quiet. Lucy hugs her father’s arm and fights her tears. Ed pats her hand. “It’s over Lucy, her pain is gone.”
“I know dad, but what about you?”
“I’m ok”


The long day is over and Ed heads to bed. On Jane’s side of the bed he lifts the pillow and takes out her nightgown and lays it where she would lay. Ed bends over and breaths in her fragrance. “Good night love” Ed goes to his side and lays down. He doesn’t turn off the light. There is no more light for Ed.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Christmas Miracle

A cold and crisp night to be out. Even more so in a horse and buggy. The Yager family was out late visiting the home of friends and were preparing to go home. Little 3 year old Sara Yager was setting in the buggy bundled against the cold. But perhaps not bundled enough. While mother and father were saying their good-byes something, we’ll never know what, spooked the horse. Off the horse and buggy went. Tearing down the lane and onto the road while a terrified mother and father looked on. In a flash they ran after the horse but it quickly out distanced them in the night until all they could do was follow the sounds of the hoofs on the road. Then they could hear nothing. All along mother and father ran. Ran and prayed. Prayed for Sara. Prayed against their fears for their little girl. They ran down several farm roads hoping they were following the right path. After an eternity they came upon their buggy with the horse standing there, head down. Nostrils flaring as vapors from it’s breath poured out in the cold night like smoke from a dragon. They ran up to the buggy to clutch their little girl. She wasn’t there! Desperately they look around. It is dark. It is cold. Where is Sara. “Sara, Sara” they cried! They can’t find her so they raise the alarm. The authorities are contacted. Over one-hundred people search the area. The roads are searched. The fields. The problem is no one knows were little Sara fell out of the buggy. After the Yager’s lost contact with the buggy no one knows which roads the horse took in it’s mad dash. Everyone searched for hours. With lights shining in every direction they searched. “Sara, Sara” they cried! Cold, tired, with blistered feet, the darkness won. The search is called off at 4am to resume again at dawn.

Sara Yager couldn’t understand what was happening. One minute she was sitting in the buggy looking at her mom and dad. The next she was bouncing around as the horse took off running. Running faster than the three year old had ever gone. She could see her mom and dad running after her. She reached out her arms for her mommy, but she keep getting further and further away until she was gone in the night. All she could see now was the black night. All she could hear was the horse and buggy speeding down the roads. Sara was thrown about in the buggy until one big bump shot her out onto the ground. The horse and buggy was gone. She lay there on the ground dazed, getting cold, in the dark. She knew she had to get up. When she stood up she realized one foot was colder than the other. She had lost one of her shoes when she was thrown from the buggy.
What goes through a three year olds mind at this time - Mommy. She was sore. She was cold. She wanted her mommy. So she started walking looking for mommy. Maybe she could see some lights and started walking towards them. Maybe not. In the country with the trees and hills sometimes you can’t see very far. Especially if you are only as tall as a three year old. Mommy, mommy she cried. No answer. Mommy, mommy she cried. Over and over Sara called out for mommy. Why didn’t she come? Her voice becoming weaker until “Mommy” only came out in a whisper. Her tears freezing on her little face. How long she walked she couldn‘t tell. But sometime later, tired and cold, she curled up in a ditch on the side of the road. Little Sara could go no more. “Mommy” she whispers.

Linda Banks had gone to bed thinking about the little Amish girl that was missing. The story had been on all the local news. Linda decided to get up early with her husband so they could help look for the little girl before they went to work.

It was a cold and bitter night with the wind chill at -6 degrees. Sara’s parents prayed. Sara’s community prayed. The volunteers prayed. All who watch the news about Sara prayed. Everyone prayed for Sara. Everyone prayed for her parents. Everyone prayed for the searchers. The night went on in prayer.

The next morning Linda and her husband were driving the country roads looking for something black. Black because Sara was a little Amish girl. Black because it would be easer to spot on the snow. Then there it was. Something black in the ditch. “Pull over, pull over” Linda cried. She raced from the truck to the little black bundle curled up on the ground. Linda approached trembling. Not from cold but from fear. The little girl who had been out all night in the freezing weather was not moving. With the simple prayer “please God” on her lips, Linda felt Sara’s face. It was still warm. She’s alive! Linda scoops her up as Sara opens her eyes and cries for her mommy. Linda was never so happy to hear a little kid cry. Away they race to the search command center. Linda jumps out of the truck and yells at the crowd “I found the baby, she’s alive”!

Paramedics whisk Sara away and check her over. They check for cuts, broken bones, and frost bite. Her little foot is cold and she has some scrapes so they start warming her up slowly. The crowd around them cried tears of joy. Mother and father beside themselves with joy. The words “thank you God” and “praise God” move through the crowd in a wave. The paramedics load Sara up for the trip to the city. The ambulance rushes to the hospital were the Doctors are waiting. They check for cuts. They X-ray Sara to make sure she hasn’t any broken bones. They continue to warm her up. The Doctors are amazed at Sara’s condition. The word miracle is used a lot.

Four hours later little Sara Yager leaves the hospital with her family. Homeward bound to be kept warm with blankets and hugs. Prayers of thanksgiving ascending.

All who heard the news of Sara rejoiced. The prayers for her safe return become praises to the Lord for returning her safe. She survived the night in the freezing cold when she shouldn’t have. The Christmas Miracle.

December 7th

Today is December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. On this day in 1941 Japan attacked the United States. We then entered the World War. We were attacked first and we responded. If you still know a vet from WWII thank him or her. Our military then as now are the best of the best and we are blessed to have them on our side. We don't deserve them sometimes. Especially when we have three Navy Seals on trial starting today because a terrorist in their charge got a fat lip somehow. If I were on the team that snatched him a fat lip would be the least of his problems.

If you meet up with the guy who said the following.....

"Today is December 7th, the day that this government killed over 80,000 Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in 1941, two days before killing an additional 64,000 Japanese civilians at Nagasaki by dropping nuclear bombs on innocent people." (from a speech given Dec 7, 2008)

Give him a kick in the ass.

So who is this guy? Jeremiah Wright, a supposed pastor and the former spiritual advisor to the President for 20 years.

Vet's from all wars give us the freedom to exercise our right to free speech. Just because you can say anything you want doesn't mean you should. Mark Twain once said "if you keep your mouth shut people may think you a fool, open your mouth and you'll remove all doubt".

Sunday, December 6, 2009

If I were President

Lets play a game called "If I were President". If you were President what would you do to fix this country and fix this zoo? What a better way to solidify your stance on many issues. Then compare what would you do to what is being done. Compare your presidency to any candidate. Vote for the one that's closest to you. I think you would see a big shift in who's in Washington.

So here's my shot at this game. Ruffles and Flourishes are playing. Someone announces "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States". I approach the podium and ....

"My fellow Americans. Today I come before you with a Bold Challenge. For too long America has been dependent on foreign energy sources. For too long American dollars have gone overseas to governments and corporations. Tyrants, dictators and terrorists finance their attacks against us using our own dollars and hold us hostage. Like a drug addict we have an oil monkey on our backs. Our addiction has made us look outside our borders for the cheapest and easiest oil fix we can find. It is time to stop! It is time to stop sending our wealth overseas to enrich those who hate us. It is time to stop sending our more precious wealth of our Sons and Daughters to fight and die in wars we could have stayed out of or had a smaller roll in if it weren't for our addiction to foreign oil. Our addiction has made others our Masters. America has no Master. Therefore...

I am announcing today that as of January 1, 2020 America will be energy independent! This is a Bold Challenge but one we can make. President Kennedy challenged America to put a man on the moon by the end of that decade. Struggles and setbacks were met head on. Tragedies occurred. In the end the American Flag was placed on the Moon as a lasting testament to the American Spirit. Just as America rose to that challenge so will we. We can do this! Beginnings will be difficult. There may be false starts and set backs but America will succeed. We will succeed. You and I will succeed.

I know we can't drill our way out of this. I know coal alone, nor wind alone, nor solar or nuclear or hydro alone will get the job done. Where we can drill we will drill. Oil refineries will be built. Coal will continue to be mined and used. But wherever solar can be used under our beautiful and spacious sky's it will be used. Wind turbines will be built where ever the wind blows our amber waves of grain. Our waterways from sea to shining sea will be used to generate electricity. Nuclear power will be used. Fuel cells and other technology we don't even know about will be used. For Americans are a hardy industrious people. We have just forgot our pioneering spirit. Americans have come from all over the world to forge this great nation. From the earliest explorers and settlers we forged 13 colonies that took on the foremost world power at that time to form a Nation. In wagons and boats we spread across this continent. Our spirit has made us the most advanced industrial nation in the world. Our spirit has lead us to help in two World Wars to defend freedom and defeat tyranny. It is time for our spirit to lead us in fighting for our freedom from foreign oil.

As in any war sacrifices will be made. But we will not sacrifice our air, our water or our health. As much as possible we will protect our environment. In fact we will continue to improve it. Impossible? Not for the American Spirit. This will not be a massive government bail out of the energy industry. This will not be a massive government tax and revenue grab. Your government role in this will be to coordinate, encourage and cooperate. Your government will coordinate the efforts so there is one mind, one purpose, one direction. We will remove as many of the obstacles as we can by enacting Tort reform. Opening up areas to be explored for our own oil and coal and natural gas. We will encourage through education and incentives so advancement of renewable energy can go forward. Your government will cooperate with industries and provide what funding it can but it can do only so much. You, the people of this great nation have the will. Have the knowledge. Have the spirit to win this war. We are all soldiers now in this struggle for our Freedom. Our living rooms and neighborhoods are our battlefields. I will see you in the trenches.
God bless and God bless America." The crowd goes wild!!!

There you have it. The beginnings of an energy plan.... If I were President
Today is the feast of St. Nickolus, December 6th. Some people give gifts on this day and don't give any on Christmas. They do this to take the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord back from the commercialization that has made it into an abomanation. I wish I would have started this tradition with my own family years ago.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


In his book "The Prophet" Kahlil Gibran writes about children "you are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth". Our thoughts, our ideas are the living children of our minds and as such we send them forth. They live on without us because they seek out other ideas and continue to grow. New ideas evolve and look back at an original thought as it's ancestor.
In days past a diary would be kept. No one would usually see it until the writer would pass on leaving his things behind for others to see. If he was lucky a family member would find the book and cherish it until they died. And so on, and so on. But, in these days at this time we have the Web. So here I am making my first attempts at writing a Blog. I will write the truth, Veritas! I was raised with the understanding there were absolutes that all could agree with. The times have changed! Absolutes are rejected and truths are now considered relative. But rejecting the Truth will not make it go away. So hang on! It might get bumpy!