Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Bomber

Our government would like you to think the Muslim Terrorists are the poor and down trodden. That they are driven to extremes by their desperate existence. The truth is, once again, different. The Muslim terrorists are mostly from the wealthy and privileged in their country. The Christmas bomber is the son of a wealthy banker, college educated and was living in an expensive up scale apartment in London. So why does our government perpetuate this lie? Because it fits their Bad U.S. mentality. According to those who run our government we as a nation are to blame for all that's bad in the world. There were those in the days after 9/11 rushing to a mic or camera to state that very thing. It was our fault we were attacked! We caused Muslim Terrorists. We caused global warming. We caused the world wide financial meltdown. Our greed has caused it all. We're evil and must be stopped. Why do you think every speech President Obama gave overseas this year began with "We're Sorry". He was like Patsy Kline singing "I'm sorry, so sorry" over and over and over again. Our President, like most in Washington, suffer from the same problem the Muslim terrorists suffer from. Elitism! They think they know better than us, what is good for us. The terrorists use bombs, the Washington elite use laws and backroom dealings. The end result is the same for the survivors. Oppression and slavery!

To a man they both have not had to face the real world. They have not had to get their hands dirty. To work two or three jobs to pay the bills. No! Mommy and daddy paid for everything, pampering their little boys. Then they send them off to college to get a little education. Now that they have read a book and listened to some silver tongue professor or, in the terrorists case, an imam they think they know what is best for us all. Someone tickles their ears with sweet nothings and BOOM! They build a bomb and blow something up. All for a good cause. All for our own good.

So lets get back to this dummy on the Christmas plane. We have some rich kid who starts listening to some radical imam. The same imam who counseled the army major at Ft. Hood by the way. Then he gets a little training and there you have it. A Muslim version of a crotch rocket! Fortunately PETN is tricky stuff to make and it didn't explode, it just burned real good. We can just hope it burned hot enough to prevent the Crotch Rocketeer from procreating. Then the only word we get form our government for days is Secretary Napolitano of Homeland Security talking about how the system worked. Hello!!! If the system had worked the Crotch Rocketeer would not have been on the plane in the first place. His own dad had warned the US Embassy two months ago about him. He was prevented from entering England once before. He was on a terrorist watch list! How did someone on a terrorist watch list get a visa to come into this country in the first place. That should be automatic, on a watch list, no visa! Then the President's Press Secretary goes on TV and states "well there are 500,000 on the list, we can't watch them all". They can't detect these people getting on a plane, who are on a list, when you have to give all kinds of information including fart samples to board? This dummy didn't have a passport. No checked luggage. Bought a one way ticket. Paid in cash. And was on a terrorist watch list. Yes sir, right this way sir. How about a nice seat over the wing next to the fuel tanks sir!

As a point of reference. The Shoe Bomber had 50 grams of PETN in his shoe that fortunately didn't go off. The Feds tested what kind of explosion and damage this would have caused. It blew a nice big hole in the side of the plane. By comparison the Crotch Rocketeer had 80 grams and was setting over the wing which also houses the fuel tanks. More grams equal bigger bang. Go and get 32 new pennies. That equals 80 grams of PETN. Hundreds of people could have died on Christmas day if it had worked.

Getting back to the 500,000 on the watch list. If the government can't keep track to these people how are they going to track the medical records of 300 million Americans?

Our government is not doing it's job. It doesn't matter if you are in your living room or an airplane. You are on your own.

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