Saturday, December 12, 2009

Global Warming and You

If you are reading this and breathing, you are killing the planet. The EPA has announced that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a Greenhouse gas. Yes the same CO2 you breath out 16 times a minute, 960 times a hour, 23,040 times a day is causing Global Warming. Which is causing the polar ice to melt. Polar bears are starving to death by the millions because they can't hunt for seals. Sob! If they are not starving they are drowning due to the retreat of the ice pack. Sniff, sniff! The oceans will rise. The children of Bangladesh will drown. Denver, Colorado will become ocean front property. All because you insist on your selfish, me centered breathing!!! I can see the four horsemen of the Apocalypse now! O, the humanity. Sob....

But wait! Let me think this out. Hey, we could use this. The next time my Doctor says "Mr. Watts you need to exercise more" I can say "no can do". Exercise will cause me to breath more. That would cause the ice to melt faster. That would hasten the end of the world as we know it. Or if your boss yells at you to work harder you can say "no can do" and quote the EPA ruling. Sorry boss, if I work harder I will increase my CO2 out put. Not only will I be killing Polar bears but the EPA would fine and tax the company for the excessive CO2 emissions.

Yes this will work. I can see the bumper sticker now, "Save the Planet, Become a couch Potato"!

Then there is the added benefit of silencing the Politicians. Imagine if you will someone from the EPA going up to Speaker Polosi and saying "I'm sorry Madam Speaker but you have exceeded your CO2 emissions for today" and promptly duck taping her mouth shut. I'm liking this. The EPA is my new best friend!

But wait there's more. The winter Olympic Games will be starting soon in Vancouver, Canada. We can't have all those athletes running around and exercising and spewing all that CO2 into the air. And so close to the Arctic too! Then you have the media there too, and we all know how they like to spew CO2. Why, that could be enough to tip us all over the brink!

But wait there is even more. The same week the EPA puts out this new ruling someone in Canada says there should be a Global One Child Policy. Coincidence? I don't think so. China has that policy now. They also have Mao. The administration likes people who like Mao. The administration likes Canadian Health Care. Hm mm...

All this is a light hearted attempt to make you think. If the goal of government is to control more and more of our lives wouldn't this be the way to do it? Increasing the rules and regulations of our lives. Our own bodies? Be they CO2 emissions. Or by removing the word "Navigable" from the EPA's and Army Corp of Engineers regulations so they control all waterways. Not just the navigable ones. Then who is to say which puddle, ditch, pond, etc is outside their control. Have no doubt about it, control is the goal.

How about health care. If the government gets in charge they have even more control over you and your body. The One Child Policy is not that far fetched. They won't force you to abort your child, yet. But they could make it financially difficult to afford more than one. What if the government run health care will only pay for one birth? What if they will pay but fine you. They do seem to love their fines.

Don't complain to your Congressman. He (or she) just pass these bills unread. They're too big to read after all. Once we have these programs the bureaucrats will take over. The Devil is in the regulations. O, did I mention we had a Regulatory Czar?

Welcome to Obama's AmeriKa. He should have had "This is the End" by the Doors as his campaign song. We're getting change alright.

"I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion."
Henry David Thoreau

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