Friday, December 18, 2009

Hypocrites in Washington

Hypocrites, we all are to one degree or another. But I hate hypocrites who flout their hypocrisy. Case in point. The Global warming summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. Prince Charles flies in from one of his castles in a private jet and tells us all to pay up to end the global warming and help the poor third world countries. Get your check book out bub. You pay first and then we'll see. Then there are all the hypocrites from Washington. Nancy Polsi takes three planes to the summit with congressmen to put their two cents in. What about the President? He's over there and every time he travels it takes six planes to move him and his peps! Hillary Clinton is there too! Not only did she fly over separately but she pledged our tax money to contribute to a 100 billion dollar a year fund to help the underdeveloped countries deal with global warming. I don't know about you but I am tired of Clinton and Obama giving away mine and your money every time they go overseas. Most of that money ends up in petty dictators hands anyway. And Bangladesh said it wasn't enough! Their leader said the fund should be half a trillion a year! Arhhhhhhh!!!!

Our leaders in Washington are looking more and more like the Soviet leaders of the 50's and 60's. While their people stood in line for bread they went to their private stores and got caviar. While their people lived in drab and dreary apartment complexes they would drive to their single family homes called Dachas in their Russian limos. As the Soviets of yesteryear lived so the Washington elite live. They have large salaries, expense accounts, access to private jets, send their kids to private schools. The Washington elite are acting like they are our lords and we are their serfs! I honestly think I am in the Matrix and instead of providing power to the machines I have my money sucked out of me (by a hose inserted in a certain orifice) and sent to Washington. This money from all of us is then used to buy power and favors. To keep the Lords of Mordor in power.

To top it all off we have a growing number of people who are not elected having power over us. They are called Czars. Czar is a Russian word that is derived from the word Caesar meaning Emperor. These people are not approved by Congress. They're not elected. They're not beholden to anyone except the President! They look at any law on the books and pronounce rules and regulations enforcing said laws. These rules and regulations are then enforced by all the power the US Government can bring to bear.

This is all looking more and more like a George Orwell book. Read 1984 and see if you don't find direct parallels. Especially Newseak. Every bill Congress passes has a newspeak title. We don't have terrorist attacks we now have unplanned human events or some such crap. The administration won't call terrorists terrorists. I guess terrorists are just "Lost Boys" now. Read "Animal Farm" and see how that compares. Remember this quote "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others". That's not what America was founded on but it sure looks like Obama's AmeriKa.

Another good book to read is "The Black Arrow" by Vin Suprynowicz. Not to be confused with "The Black Arrow" by Robert Louis Stevenson. It takes place in the future but it is looking more and more like the present.

So all this leads to "Throw the Bums Out"! Our Bloodless Revolution of the ballot box must be used to change this debacle. I have voted in almost every election held since I turned 18 back in 1972. Join me on the next voting day. Call your Senator and Congressman. Call the President. Go to town hall meetings. Attend a tea party. I did.

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