Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Controlling the People

"To make a person mad is to control him. To make a group of persons mad is to control the group."

I wrote these words in my journal years ago. How true they are today. If I make you mad I can shortcircut your emotions and move you in the direction I want. For example Hitler got the German people mad at the Jews. It was the Jews fault for everything that was wrong with the country. No one had to look in the mirror for the problem.

We are in a perpetual state of mad. We are assaulted on all sides by groups wanting us mad at the other guy so we can be for them. If we are mad, we are blind. If we are mad we are ruled by the emotions of the mob. If we are mad at the other guy we won't look at the group we're in so close. Don't let the factions stir us up.
Today it's the evil banks that's the fault you can't get a loan. It doesn't matter you are up to your eye balls in debt. Besides they make too much, right? Or maybe it's the Democrats, or the Republicans. How about Big Oil? Big Government? Rich people? Remember everyone is rich when compared someone with less.

The point of today's post is to think. Think without the fog of emotion. Think within the boundaries of the law. Read the Constitution and compare that with what's going on in the country today. Where does it say government run health care is a right? Where does it say "you are too big to fail". Where does it say the government has the right to more and more of our hard earned money. Remember, the government cannot give anything away without taking it from someone else first.

Where in the Constitution are Czars mentioned? What is their constitutional authority for being? What is their constitutional authority for telling us what to do? Remember who the government is. The first line of the Constitution of the United States begins with "We the People of the United States,....". We are the government. You and I are in charge. It is time to remind those who think they are our Masters who's really in charge. So I propose a change. I propose we "throw da bums out" of Washington. Anyone in office now will not receive my vote. Anyone running for office will have to believe as I do and state that belief publicly. Political parties mean nothing to me anymore.

When I begin this post it started out about controlling the people. But now it's about controlling the government. It is time to remember what it is like to be "We the People" or we will become "We the Sheepeople".

The Rise of Rainbows

Hold high up high the standard,
Of the beating of your heart.
An’ remember not to change the world,
Just your little part.
Be true to you and stay the course,
Know that you’ll be happy.
To be a man who does what’s right,
And not be someone’s lackey.
You’re not one, you may be many,
At least we’re you and I.
An’ that’s enough to do some good,
To raise rainbows in the sky.

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