Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Borders

OK, so here is another post in the series. If I were President!

My Father is a law and order kind of guy. There are things you are to do and not do based on laws, rules and accepted norms. This is how he was taught, this is how I was taught. To this day I cannot cut across some one's yard. It just isn't done. Without guides and restrictions society would sink into chaos, families would become dysfunctional and man would disintegrate into anarchy.

Well my fellow Americans we are approaching chaos in our country. Our laws and rules are being broken. An invasion of illegal aliens have begun to tip us toward the brink. By some estimates we have 15 to 20 million illegals in this country. It may be more. This is a lot of people working outside the law. Not paying taxes. Not having health insurance. Not having car insurance. Stealing or buying stolen identities so the can receive the benefits of the American way of life without earning it. Illegals are involved in prostitution. Illegals are forced to work in sweat shops. Illegals are involved in illegal drug trade.

Illegals are snuck across our borders with the help of people called "coyotes" who force them into working in these criminal activities to pay off their crossing debt. This is Slavery! But some illegals came here through the front door. On visas. When their visas expired they just stayed here, illegally. Many of the 9/11 attackers were these kinds of illegals.

Some would say it is not their fault, they just wanted to share in the American Dream. They came here not to share but to TAKE! If they wanted to share in our dream then they should share in our love for the rule of law. Those who have stood in line to become Americans are slapped in the face every time illegals receive amnesty or are protected by cities and states that think the law doesn't apply to them.

Part of this crisis is our own making. We have forgotten what it is like to be a nation of laws. We have forgotten what the word NO means. Therefore...

The borders will be secured, north and south. The coasts secured, east and west.
The border patrol will be beefed up with additional manpower and equipment.
Where we can, barriers will be erected to restrict border access.
The National Guard will start spending their two week annual training on the borders or along our coasts. This training will be staggered to insure year around patrols.
Any new military basses will be built in border states to enable them to assist in patrolling the borders.
Our bases overseas will be evaluated with the goal of reducing our personnel and using them to man these new bases. If our allies can only send 7000 more troops to our 30,000 in the new surge in Afghanistan they should have plenty left for their own defence.

The benefit of this will be to reduce the illegal alien invasion and to reduce the illegal drugs entering our country. But it's not enough.

We have many laws already on our books to help us in this cause. I am directing the Department of Homeland Security to direct the FBI, ICE, Border Patrol, etc to enforce these laws. Whenever anyone is detained by law enforcement they will not be released until their immigration status is determined. If the are here illegally they are deported. Period. The deportation process will be streamed lined. Some say you can't round up and deport 20 million people. They're right. You get them one at a time. Or five, or one-hundred, or five-hundred. The point is no one is above the law and no one in government or law enforcement gets to choose which laws to follow and which to ignore.

But we realize the illegals are only part of the problem. To their credit most of them work. But they work as slave labor or at best under paid labor. They are not working at jobs Americans won't. They are working at jobs for wages Americans can't work for. They are exploited and are Slaves! Didn't we fight a war over this once? I seem to remember it some where. Hummmmm So...

The E-verify program will be fully funded and implemented so business and corporations can determine the status of potential and current employees.
Any company using illegal aliens will be fined $20,000 for EACH illegal working for them.
If the number of illegals working for a company exceeds five the CEO or owner of the company will receive one year in prison and a $5000 fine for each illegal over five, with the sentences to run consecutively.
Products produced by illegals will be seized and sold to help fund the program.

Since we don't know for sure how many illegals are in this country. Since we don't know exactly who they are. We can be sure there are those here who want to kill us and do away with our way of life. These measures are necessary for our protection from terrorists, drugs, crime and disease.

Thank you and good night.

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