Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Little Whore House in Washington

The recent Christmas decorations in Washington DC were stunning in their red and green. Yes the Senator's offices were festoon with red lights. Red lights over each of the Democratic Senators offices glowing bright announcing they were open for business. Then came the green. Harry Reid dancing through the halls. Throwing money into the air. Laughing while his fellow Democrats dive for riches.

If you live in Nebraska, Louisiana or Connecticut rejoice. You have the best Senators money can buy. If you live in one of the other 54 states, don't get cocky. Your, and my, Senators are prostitutes too. Just not as high priced.

So what's got all this green flowing? Why the health care bill. The Dem's needed 60 votes to pass it in the senate. The senators quickly learned to drag their feet to get sweetheart deals for their states. The senator from Louisiana got 300 million dollars in aid for her state just for a yes vote. The senator from Nebraska got a deal that would prevent Nebraskans from having to pay for any increase in Medicare benefits FOREVER! Yes Nebraskans will never have to pay one cent more than they are paying today for Medicare. Now I wonder where the money to pay for increases in their state will come from? Let me think for a moment. O, yea, from us. We do. Everyone else in the country has to anty up but them! Can you feel the love?

All this jockeying to pass a bill. Must be an important bill. Must be worth it. Who knows? Many of the senators admit they haven't read it. It's too long at over 2000 pages. 2000 pages written behind closed doors by a handful of senators. Facts are trickling out as more people get to read it. Penalties for not having health insurance including fines and jail time if the fines are not paid. Language that's states to the effect certain provisions of the bill are unrepealable. That's unconstitutional! Congress has the right to write laws and Levy taxes as stated in the Constitution. If you make a bill unrepealable you bind the hands of future congresses. You prevent them from exercising their duties according to the Constitution. The very same Constitution all the senators swore to up hold!

Then all the language forcing us to buy private health insurance. Charging us fees, taxes and fines. If this bill becomes law Congress and Obama will bind us into slavery by owning our bodies. Dictating to us what medical care we can receive by getting between us and our doctors. It's also taxation without representation. Our taxes are taken from us and sent to Nebraska for the express purpose of buying Senator Nelson's vote.

Have they no shame? In fact every time one of these senators stand up to speak they should be shouted down with a chant of "shame on you, shame on you". O for a man or woman who would stand up and say "this is wrong, I cannot vote yes to this bill because of the constitutional principles established by our Founding Fathers". "Here I stand, I can do no other"!

Wait, Oh yea! They did stand by their principles! Money is their principle and Power their drink. As long as they have that they don't need us. They sure as heck don't listen to us. The Senate email servers crashed. Their voice mail filled up. They didn't answer their phones. Their phone system went down. All due to the volume of citizens calling in to say, VOTE NO! How long must we put up with this.

My muskets in it's scabbard,
strapped to the plow.
Primed and ready to go,
at the shout of "Now".
Remember Concord Bridge,
remember Lexington Town.
When we meet with courage resolute,
to bring this tyranny down.

Let me leave you with these two quotes.

"No man's life, liberty or property is safe while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

"Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have." Barry Goldwater

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